

注册:2004-09-21 10:05:15


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2021-06-16 12:25:54分页 全看 树展
🙂It is very useful ↑3 ↓0
I have a "smart" oven, I can set up the temperature, cooking time etc. And when the time is up(ready to cook, or when the coking is done), I ...
2020-04-23 19:30:22分页 全看 树展
🙂You ask people to 积点口德 ↑14 ↓0
You ask people to 积点口德, then why don't you 积点口德 when you say Zhao should be killed?
2017-08-13 08:28:45分页 全看 树展
🙂这种可能性不大 ↑10 ↓0
美国当然有可能完全不理会朝鲜的核武与导弹的发展而暂时避免美朝战争。但这种可能性的几率是非常小的。 其一,美国的国家信用将受到极大伤害。在朝鲜拥有确切的装有核弹头的洲际导弹及于美国本土,这将大大增加美国干预两韩之间战争的风险与代价,而大大增加朝鲜敲诈勒索南韩日本成功的可能性,也必将 ...
2017-08-12 20:52:57分页 全看 树展
🙂对中印争端的一点浅见 ↑40 ↓0
从当前形势来看,不战而保持高压或许也不失为上策。 印度已集结二三十万重兵于中印边界,由于中国的远程火力远强 于对手而且有更强的机动力(更多的直升机及适合于高原作战的轻坦),中国就可以在对峙前线只留少量兵力而屯兵于后方。如果我们再将一些将要过时退役的地地导弹(如东风10,东风11等 ...
2016-08-18 22:16:34分页 全看 树展
🙂并不完全这样 ↑3 ↓0
首先感谢坐言起行网友。现在可以输入中文了。 用铅箱装核废料再扔入大海不是压一个好主意,第一核废料已经封入玻璃球内,用铅箱再装一遍没有必要。第二铅在水中的溶解度并不低,会很容易溶入海水中从而被海中生物吸收而进入食物链(深海底下并不能保证铅不会被带到海面,因为第一海底与海面水有对流, ...
2016-08-18 15:37:03分页 全看 树展
🙂Thanks ↑0 ↓0
2016-08-18 15:28:09分页 全看 树展
🙂Also throwing nuclear ↑1 ↓0
waste into international waters is not doable, even if it is safe. We need to be a "responsible super power"
2016-08-18 14:31:21分页 全看 树展
🙂Nuclear waste ↑2 ↓0
could dissolve and be brought up into surface by ocean flow. It could then be eaten by sea animals and then go into food chain and spread ou ...
2016-08-18 10:37:11分页 全看 树展
🙂Sorry my computer(work) does ↑0 ↓0
not have Chinese input
2016-08-17 16:45:49分页 全看 树展
🙂We have large deserts ↑1 ↓0
Technically, we can encapsulate nuclear wastes into small glass beads(this can ensure the nuclear waste won't go/dissolve into underground w ...
2016-07-27 09:29:17分页 全看 树展
🙂According to the latest ↑1 ↓0
research of String Theory, there will be a one direction property emerge when the inflation stage starts at the beginning of the universe. A ...
2016-07-27 07:14:10分页 全看 树展
🙂Maybe because of gravity, we ↑5 ↓0
don't need a parallel universes or multiverse explanation. The second law of thermodynamics did not take gravity into account, it is appropr ...
2016-06-24 18:19:57分页 全看 树展
🙂To get some fibers ↑1 ↓0
Cats do the same thing. Fibers are good for colon
2016-04-19 10:49:32分页 全看 树展
🙂Use fireplace ↑1 ↓0
If you have a fireplace at home, wash your yams and wrap with foil, you will also have very good 烤红薯
2016-02-21 22:47:59分页 全看 树展
🙂Maybe this is a strategy ↑0 ↓0
China can use UHF和VHF雷达 to direct air-to-air missiles to get into <=50KM range. In this distance the missile on-board radar can detect and g ...
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