
主题:西河微步-学生的名字 -- 老马丁

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家园 还有围城里头的“梅亭”
家园 Richard--Dick这两个差别怎么这么大?
家园 如果是西班牙裔或者拉美裔,那不念英文念法


家园 Latino特喜欢这个名字


家园 Xavier


家园 如果这样,葛优岂不成了酸奶?

还有 Yu Le,鬼子直接念成了尤里,听上去根本就是个毛子么。

家园 这个名在西语中的确是比较常见的,所以才有墨西哥小伙子之说
家园 哈哈!
家园 just like Richard
家园 Anglo intimate names

the tradition is: short the two- or three-syllable name into one-syllable name, then add "-y" to indicate its informality.

In other Anglo-brother languages (aka. Germanic) languages, we will see similar patterns. E.g., in Dutch, it is "-j".

And "-j" and "-y" has the same pronounication in Germanic languages--anyway, their ancesters all came from the same tribe.

BTW, "willy" is used more often in UK, while "Bill" or "Billy" are used more often in States. Different English-speaking nations even diverged in informal naming.

家园 这个名字源自古罗马的圣徒 圣。塞巴斯田


Gender: Masculine

Usage: German, English, Scandinavian, Polish, Finnish, Romanian

Pronounced: ze-BAHS-tee-ahn (German), s-BAS-chn (English), se-BAHS-tyahn (Polish) [key]

From the Latin name Sebastianus which meant "from Sebaste". Sebaste was the name a town in Asia Minor, its name deriving from Greek σεβαστο (sebastos) "venerable" (a translation of Latin Augustus, the title of the Roman emperors). Saint Sebastian was a 3rd-century Roman soldier martyred by arrows after it was discovered he was a Christian. Due to the saint's popularity, the name came into general use in medieval Europe, especially in Spain and France. It was also borne by a 16th-century king of Portugal who died in a crusade against Morocco.

家园 解释在这里

Why is Dick a nickname for Richard?

家园 简写Xavi,中文译名叫哈维


还有这个 Xabier,简写是Xabi,读沙比...(咳咳)

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