

注册:2003-06-16 19:13:43


所有帖 / 1
2003-08-06 02:01:01分页 全看 树展
Re:很难讲啊 ↑0 ↓0
Great point, leutron (neutron?). Indeed, internal/surrounding political climate probably dictates what action a politian has to take. In l ...
2003-08-06 00:56:21分页 全看 树展
Re:【原创】性格即命运----谈彭,林两位元帅 ↑0 ↓0
First of all, we could only speculate here since AnYing untimingly lost his life. Secondly, he'd be more likely to become a little Jiang t ...
2003-07-15 01:08:46分页 全看 树展
Re:戏子皇帝王莽 ↑0 ↓0
Hehe, Mang is probably the only emperor named Wang in history and he took the country without firing a shot. Kudos to him!
2003-06-27 09:39:40分页 全看 树展
Re:你骂谁是“中国人”? ↑0 ↓0
Please don't spread fake posts like this. Trust me :“你说呢?当然要独立。怎么难道你们整天还梦想统一?真是笑话,你们支那人算哪 根葱呀,没种跟捞台湾的本钱,你们来台湾连乞丐都做不起,还敢说大话……”is not from a T ...
2003-06-20 14:12:21分页 全看 树展
Re:【报刊文摘】犯有错误的开国将帅1 ↑0 ↓0
Come on, people! There were more Hubei generals and hence more so-called "corupted" ones.
2003-06-18 22:38:01分页 全看 树展
Re:关于文革和改革--兼复茶博士 ↑0 ↓0
It's really disturbing that some one claims he isn't going extreme but turns around and jumps to a conclusion that the Cultural Revolution i ...
2003-06-16 19:39:57分页 全看 树展
Re:关于文革和改革--兼复茶博士 ↑0 ↓0
I enjoyed almost all of Mr. Wen's articles a great deal until this hate-driven senseless one. First of all, it's way too early to objectivel ...


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