
主题:【原创】受人启发想把wiki 上面关于西藏的部分给大家翻译一下 -- 中国陈

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家园 把wiki 上面关于西藏的部分给大家翻译一下 3

3 Language 语言篇

The Tibetic languages are spoken throughout the Tibetan plateau, Bhutan, and parts of Nepal and northern India. Spoken Tibetan includes numerous regional dialects which, in many cases, are not mutually intelligible. Moreover, the boundaries between Tibetan and certain other Himalayan languages are sometimes unclear. In general, the dialects of central Tibet (Ü-Tsang, including Lhasa), Kham, Amdo, and some smaller nearby areas are considered Tibetan dialects. The languages of some groups outside modern Tibet, such as Dzongkha (Bhutanese), Sikkimese, Sherpa, and Ladakhi, are more distant varieties descended from archaic Tibetan, and which bear varying degrees of similarity to modern Tibetan. Using this broader grouping of Tibetan dialects and forms, the Tibetan language "family" is spoken by approximately 6 million people across the Tibetan Plateau. Tibetan is also spoken by approximately 150,000 exiles who have fled from modern-day Tibet to India and other countries.

藏语主要在西藏高原,Bhutan, 尼泊尔的部分地区和印度北部使用。藏语包括大量方言,在很多时候他们是互相不通(不只是不同,即说不同方言的人互相不能交流)。进而在藏语和Himalayan语言的边界有些时候还不是很清楚(我的理解就是藏语和Himalayan语有些相似的地方)总体来说西藏中部(即卫藏,包括拉萨)、西康、安多和邻近地方的方言属于藏语方言。其他的方言在现代西藏之外像Dzongkha (Bhutanese), Sikkimese, Sherpa, 和Ladakhi,是也是从古代藏语演化来的,变化较大。他们保留着同现代藏语不同程度的相似性。包括各种藏语方言在内,说藏语的人口大概有6百万。大概15万逃往的藏族人也讲藏语。他们在现代从西藏跑到印度或者其他国家。

The Tibetan language has its own script, which is part of the Brahmic family of scripts.


4. History 历史篇

Pre-History 史前

Chinese and the "proto-Tibeto-Burman" language may have split sometime before 4000 BC, when the Chinese began growing millet in the Yellow River valley while the Tibeto-Burmans remained nomads. Tibetan split from Burman around 500 AD.[15][16]


Prehistoric Iron Age hill forts and burial complexes have recently been found on the Chang Tang plateau but the remoteness of the location is hampering archaeological research. The initial identification of this culture is as the Zhang Zhung culture which is described in ancient Tibetan texts and is known as the original culture of the Bön religion.

史前铁器时代的城堡和墓地近来已经在Chang Tang高原但是他的位置太远了这阻碍了考古的研究。最初的确定这一文化作为张传文化,这被表述在古代的西藏文字中。这是已知最早的Bön宗教。

4.2 Tibetan Empire 西藏帝国

A series of kings ruled Tibet from the 7th to the 11th century. At times, Tibetan rule may have extended as far south as Bengal and as far north as Mongolia


Tibet appeared in an ancient Chinese historical text where it is referred to as fa. The first incident from recorded Tibetan history which is confirmed externally occurred when King Namri Lontsen sent an ambassador to the Chinese court in the early 7th century.[17]

在古代中国历史书籍把西藏当作法(我个人的理解是那个时候中国人对于西藏没什么了解,只是一个胡乱的称谓)。在7世纪早期Namri Lontsen 王派了一名大使到中国朝廷,这是第一个事件被记载到西藏历史中。

However general, the history of Tibet begins with the rule of Namri Songzen, who first attempts to unify Tibet. His son Songtsän Gampo (604–649 AD) united parts of the Yarlung River Valley and ruled Tibet as a kingdom. In 640 he married Princess Wencheng, the niece of the powerful Chinese emperor Taizong.

总体说来,西藏的历史开始于Namri Songzen王,它是第一个尝试统一西藏的人。他的儿子就是松赞干布(604-649年)统一了雅鲁藏布江流域并且是西藏成为了一个王国。在640年他和中国皇帝太宗(应该是唐太宗)的侄女文成公主成亲。

Tibetan forces conquered the Tuyuhun Kingdom of modern Qinghai and Gansu to the northeast between 663 and 672 AD. Tibet also dominated the Tarim Basin and adjoining regions (now called Xinjiang), including the city of Kashgar, from 670 to 692 AD, when they were defeated by Chinese forces, and then again from 766 to the 800s.


The Tibetans were allied with the Arabs and eastern Turks. In 747, Tibet's hold over Central Asia was weakened by the campaign of general Gao Xianzhi, who re-opened the direct communications between Central Asia and Kashmir. By 750 the Tibetans had lost almost all of their central Asian possessions to the Chinese. However, after Gao Xianzhi's defeat by the Arabs and Qarluqs at the Battle of Talas river (751), Chinese influence decreased rapidly and Tibetan influence resumed. Tibet conquered large sections of northern India and even briefly took control of the Chinese capital Chang'an in 763 during the chaos of the An Shi Rebellion.[18]

西藏人和阿拉伯人土耳其人结盟。在747年西藏控制的中亚被Gao Xianzhi战役所消弱。Gao Xianzhi从新打开了中亚和Kashmir(就是克什米尔吧)之间的交流。到750年西藏人失去了基本所有他们在中亚的领土给中国人。然而在Gao Xianzhi在Talas河战役(751)中被击败阿拉伯人和Qarluqs人后,中国的影响消退很快,西藏的影响得到恢复。西藏征服了印度北部的大片土地甚至还在763年的安史之乱中短暂地控制了中国首都长安。

There was a stone pillar, the Lhasa Shöl rdo-rings, in the ancient village of Shöl in front of the Potala in Lhasa, dating to c. 764 AD during the reign of Trisong Detsen. It also contains an account of the brief capture of Chang'an, the Chinese capital, in 763 AD, during the reign of Emperor Daizong.[19][20]

有一个石头柱子,叫the Lhasa Shöl rdo-rings在古代的村庄 Shöl,它位于Potala前面建立在Trisong Detsen统治期间764年,记述了在安史之乱中的763年曾经短暂地控制当时的中国首都长安。

In 821/822 AD Tibet and China signed a peace treaty. A bilingual account of this treaty including details of the borders between the two countries are inscribed on a stone pillar which stands outside the Jokhang temple in Lhasa.[21] Tibet continued as a Central Asian empire until the mid-9th century.

在821-822年 西藏和中国签署了一份和平条约。这一用两种语言纪录的条约包括两国的边界被刻在一个石头柱子上面位于拉萨Jokhang寺外。西藏作为一个中亚王国持续到9世纪中期。

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