
主题:拜登沉不住气了 -- changshou

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家园 这才对


当然, 这些个正常细胞需要在严密的监管下进一步发展壮大,可是绝不能把美国的投资银行当成学习的目标。与其发展成癌变的细胞,还不如做不发展的正常细胞。

家园 赞同这个翻译


家园 这个“look”, 大概翻译成“形象”更贴近原意
家园 不是这样的


家园 资本和投资银行的本性


我跟你说,国内投资银行如果不是受到严密监管,如果不是受到很多限制,那就一定会是向美国的投资银行的方向发展, 成为吸血的癌变细胞。这是资本和投资银行的本性决定的。因此坚决不能放松监管,不能让它任意发展。

家园 可是他看起来对自己要做的工作能否善终完全没有把握
家园 这句话的关键是“job”这个词的含义



家园 我没说要放松监管


家园 a research paper

Will China Eat Our Lunch or Take Us Out to Dinner? Simulating the Transition Paths of the U.S., EU, Japan, and China

Hans Fehr, Sabine Jokisch, Laurence J. Kotlikoff

NBER Working Paper No. 11668

Issued in October 2005

NBER Program(s): EFG IFM ITI

This paper develops a dynamic, life-cycle, general equilibrium model to study the interdependent demographic, fiscal, and economic transition paths of China, Japan, the U.S., and the EU. Each of these countries/regions is entering a period of rapid and significant aging requiring major fiscal adjustments.

In previous studies that excluded China we predicted that tax hikes needed to pay benefits along the developed world's demographic transition would lead to capital shortage, reducing real wages per unit of human capital. Adding China to the model dramatically alters this prediction. Even though China is aging rapidly, its saving behavior, growth rate, and fiscal policies are very different from those of developed countries. If this continues to be the case, the model's long run looks much brighter.

China eventually becomes the world's saver and, thereby, the developed world's savoir with respect to its long-run supply of capital and long-run general equilibrium prospects. And, rather than seeing the real wage per unit of human capital fall, the West and Japan see it rise by one fifth by 2030 and by three fifths by 2100. These wage increases are over and above those associated with technical progress.

家园 我只是拿他们举例子。过个指点江山的嘴瘾


家园 但是他像是完全没把握完成他的。
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