
主题:不可忍,长春什么时候属于过日本? -- 香山居士

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家园 不可忍,长春什么时候属于过日本?

(From http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/2010/press.html#, "The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize")


Ei-ichi Negishi, Japanese citizen. Born 1935 in Changchun, China (former Japan). Ph.D. 1963 from University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Herbert C. Brown Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA.

家园 我kao!


而且,这个还可能被解读为,China----former Japan!

家园 不懂英文


家园 黑体字部分


家园 作为长春人,我要深情的说一句:


我祝你们 Die 2010 in Tokyo,Japan (later China)

家园 诺奖委员会太TMD现眼鸟!

诺奖的网页应该有“Contact Us”;还可以在媒体上给他们曝曝光。去年一个德国杂志的中文封面出了“洋相”,不是后来就拼命遮丑 ?!


家园 诺贝尔奖历来对中国就没好话,从来都是。习惯了。
家园 【原创】刚才发的抗议信


Annika Moberg, Editor, Phone +46 8 673 95 22, +46 70 263 74 46, [email protected]


如果没用, 我准备和她的上司联系。


one unacceptable mistake about Mr. Ei-ichi Negishi's introduction

Dear Ms. Annika Moberg,

Please correct one unacceptable mistake in the webpage of nobelprize.org for Mr. Ei-ichi Negishi, this year's Nobel Prize Winner of Chemistry.

Here is the link: http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/2010/press.html#,

The part of content, 'Ei-ichi Negishi, Japanese citizen. Born 1935 in Changchun, China (former Japan).', is wrong! I can not believe such a terrible mistake could happen when I read it carefully with my highest respect.

As well known, during world war II, Japanese Army invaded China (including Changchun city) and killed innocent peaceful citizens everywhere. Nearly every family in China lost one or more of their family members at that time. I do not understand why you wrote something like 'Changchun, China(former Japan)'. Does this mean that the Nobel Prize committee supports Japanese war crime to China during the world war II? Does this mean that the Nobel Prize committee denies the Potsdam Declaration (Proclamation Defining Terms for Japanese Surrender) by China, the United States and British?

Japanese old Army's war crime in WWII and their invasion were, are and will never be forgiven by not only Chinese but also all other countries' peoples, including US, Russia, British, Korean and Australia. I know Sweden peoples love peace but I do not think Sweden people will forgive Japanese old Army too if they know what these Japanese uncivilized soldiers did.

Please correct the webpage ASAP before it is too late. I believe this is definitely a huge mistake and it will very likely damage the reputation of nobelprize.org website and the Noble Prize Committee.

Best regards,

家园 【原创】也发了封信


Dear Mr. Huss:

I am sending you this email regarding an error in birthplace information of Dr. Ei-ichi Negishi on your website.

On the following webpage, I've seen birthplace of Dr. Ei-ichi Negishi stated as "Ei-ichi Negishi, Japanese citizen. Born 1935 in Changchun, China (former Japan)", which is inaccurate and, to many Chinese people, offensive.

Changchun, the city mentioned as the birthplace of Dr. Ei-ichi Negishi, is located at northeast China and was tragically occupied by Japanese army in early 1930s before Dr. Ei-ichi Negishi was born. Shorty after being occupied, Changchun became the "capital city" of the puppet state Manchukuo founded by Imperial Japan in 1932. I believe those who suffered severely during WWII German occupation would still remember vividly the humiliation and the pain. To my fellow Chinese people who had lived in that era, they shared the exactly same, if not worse, feeling and suffered for much longer time (from 1932 to 1945).

So it wouldn't be difficult to imagine how ordinary Chinese people would feel about this "Changchun, China (former Japan)" statement. I am sure it won't be any better than the reactions from French people if they see "Paris, France (former Germany)".

Please kindly remove "(former Japan)" from the birthplace of Dr. Ei-ichi Negishi on that webpage. And please also kindly let me know if you have any questions.

To pay my respects, after several hours, I will personally watch the Nobel Prize Announcements live as I did in the previous years. And I truly hope Dr. Ei-ichi Negishi will be able to fully enjoy this tremendous honor that he totally deserves without being disturbed by his inaccurate birthplace information.



元宝推荐:海天,禅人, 通宝推:二胡,熊仔,南方有嘉木,韩信点兵,响马,李根,小楼飘香,星辰之门,xiaoyin,橙与蓝,dahuang,高野谪客,香山居士,关中农民,landlord,holmers,廖石,发了胖的罗密欧,厚积薄发,预备役师的防化,

本帖一共被 2 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
家园 咱们中国人自然知道长春不是日本




本帖一共被 2 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
家园 想了想,完全赞同pxpxpx兄


家园 我也写信了, 是可忍孰不可忍!
家园 兄台的信极为恰当!

不过我还是怀疑这句话其实是来自那个日本人自己提供的简历! 在我给他们的信中, 我有意的问了一下. 很难想象瑞典科学院自己会写上这么一句话! 他们那儿知道长春是怎么回事儿. 如果我的猜测是准确的话, 那这位炸药奖得主的历史观就很明了了....

家园 later china


家园 del
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