
主题:The latest exclusive ATP inider news -- 高头庄

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家园 The latest exclusive ATP inider news

The latest exclusive ATP inider news and ATP exclusive commentary

Slick Willie could not handle it as slickly this time. Hillary and Slick Willie fought so hard that he went to heart surgery right after and she felt sorry afterwards. They fought hard many times before, Why did they fought so hard as to break his heart this time?

Kerry is very close to lose this race, and there is only one people on earth who can save him.

Don’t pay too much attention to those national polls, they are pretty much useless, they are designed to get you to read news from places like CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, their company’s stock value is based on the number of hits you help generated. You really should only get news from the most accurate and reliable source: ATP news and commentary. The debate between K and B might change the national poll by a few points, but that does not matter; Bad news, good news from Iraq does not matter; than what does matter, get it from the most accurate and reliable source: ATP news and commentary.

From a pure debating point of view, K won the debate, but this is not a debate between two lawyers or Senators. Bush did not even take advantage of lot openings that K left. This is presidential debate, a gracious senator/lawyer style might win him the debate but may not necessary win him the heart of Joe Doe. A farmer out there in Midwest or southern states cares more about who looks more honest; who is perceived to be more honest is what really counts here. And these swing voters in swing states are going to shape the outcome of this election. If a presidential candidate can’t pronounce other county’s name, other country’s leaders name and has no idea about international affairs, why should one expect average American people to understand these complicate issues through debate? What people really looking for is someone they can trust, a honest person, someone who can make decision (Jimmy Carter is a nice guy, but…). K’s 20 years experience as Senator is actually going against him. Because every sentences he ever said is on record.

Read my lips, if this race is ever going to get any close, Rep is going to unleash whole bunch of negative ads about K’s inconsistence during his years as a Senator. And Rep is going to do it close to the election date so that K’s camp have to do the defending work at that time and have no time to attack back. 20 years is very long time, They can interpret it anyway they want, and there is nothing you can do but to defend it. You are always going to have some xiaobianze in their hands. That’s way there has been very few Senator ever become presidents. The longer the worse. That’s why E is in better position, and H is in a hurry, and that's why SW had that surgery.

Another thing that hurt K was his primary against Dean. He was forced to define his position too early and it’s hurting him now. In contrast, B was never challenged and thus was never forced to define himself as clear as K was.

At this late stage of election, if K is not leading B in states like NJ by 10-15 points, and B is series campaigning in northern states, something is seriously wrong. K should at least carry states that Gore did in 2000, if he can’t do it in the traditional Dem stats, he is going to have less electoral vote than Gore. Remember, Popular vote does not matter, since Both CA and NY has such a large population.

Traditionally, Dem has very micky mouse campange organization. If you received a letter from the head quarter of K, what might happened was there were a young recent college grad or intern named Monica who has big dream about… Don’t get too excited. In reality, when these new interns go out try to arrange a hall meeting for Kerry, and try to rent some audio equipment, some tents, the answer they get could be: “Mondale hasn’t paid me last time, I am not going to make a fool out of myself this time. No more Dem bs”

Who could save him now? Slick Willie is the only one who could save him. Slick Willie is the most charismatic presidential candidate in the last how many years. B has MaCain on his side now, Imaging K could have SW by his side when he is on the road, wow, what a difference that could have made. Giving what I think of SW, he would actually do that. That’s precisely why H has to break his heart! The Rep knows exactly how dangerous SW is, that’s why they did everything they could to harm him even at the end of his term!

Everyone on the earth knows that she is going to run for the Office in 4 years, given that Kerry lost this election, if Kerry wins this time, there is no way she would challenge Kerry in 4 years. Rep at that time would have no one in their pipeline. Jeb is a no no, American does not want a B dynasty.

My prediction:

About this election: B wins this election with about 300 electoral votes, Popular vote should be about even.

In 2008, H will be the first ever female presidential candidate, her running mate will be E. E has no choice, because within D party, H has too much influence, although E is a much bigger draw to the general population especially to the southern people.

高头庄 is Washington bureau chief for ATP.com (Associated Tabloid Press). He is author of nothing and none of his prediction has ever turned out to be wrong, you should bet all your life’s saving on his advice.

家园 Very good!
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