
主题:【评论】64位的Windows XP真得快吗?-- 实战纪实 -- Highway

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家园 【评论】64位的Windows XP真得快吗?-- 实战纪实


事实真是这样吗?网上有些朋友前天在AMD和Intel平台上安装了微软最新的64位的Windows XP,跑了很多benchmark program,来看看从32位移植到64位是否真的有性能上的提高。



答案基本上是肯定的(虽然一部分程序在64位下性能有了下降),但是提升的幅度非常的小,叫人有些失望。不过大家认为这款64位的Windows XP还是beta版,还有提升潜力,驱动程序和应用程序还没有好好tuning,假以时日,64位的威力会慢慢释放出来的。



[SIZE=3]The Final Word[/SIZE]

With every major milestone release, Microsoft’s 64-bit Windows variants are getting faster and more stable. While some minor quirks remain, the operating system as a whole is a very impressive product, especially given the high pressure nature of this release and the ever-changing 64-bit processor landscape. While wide driver availability issues certainly loom in the distance, the stability of the core OS is certainly at a release quality level.

Build 1218 is a major step forward for Microsoft’s 64-bit Windows program, as we’re finally starting to see performance increases over today’s 32-bit Windows XP variants. This could be due to optimizations on the OS level, the addition of 64-bit DirectX 9.0 components, nVidia’s 64-bit Forceware drivers, or a combination of all of the above. While performance varies from application to application, many applications and games are now seeing noticeable performance boosts under 64-bit Windows. While the performance boosts are not up to par with the 15-20% boost which AMD promised in the past, we’re certainly seeing steps in the right direction. For comparison, all of the previous Windows XP 64-bit builds we’ve previewed at GamePC have more or less shown performance decreases compared to their 32-bit equivalents.

As for AMD and Intel’s 64-bit abilities, we actually see a fairly close split in performance between AMD’s Opteron 248 and Intel’s Xeon 3.4 GHz processors. Neither processor proves itself to be the dominant chip for processing 64-bit Windows code, and both chips appear to be incredibly stable under this beta OS at this time. We did notice that our Opteron platforms have much broader driver compatibility compared to our Xeon setups. All of the onboard devices on our Opteron board, such as LAN, SCSI, and audio had native XP 64-bit drivers, whereas none of these components had 64-bit drivers for our Xeon platform. Intel still refuses to release 64-bit drivers for their many components, even though they are now publicly promoting 64-bit technology through EMT64.

We still don’t know when or if this operating system will be officially released to the public. The latest information we’re hearing is that the OS will not be in a finalized state until early 2005, and even when the OS is “done”, it may not be available to end users. While Microsoft has left open the door for releasing a retail boxed version, it will more than likely only be available to OEM’s to pre-load onto 64-bit compatible systems. Microsoft has tossed around the idea of a license trade-in plan, where users of today’s 32-bit Windows XP could “upgrade” their current version at no cost. Unfortunately, nothing is set in stone as of yet.

The performance and feature benefits are not great enough to pull me away from Windows XP Professional on my home Athlon64 PC at this time, but the OS is getting more attractive with each new build.


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家园 本想明年升级64位的,这样打击我嘛,


家园 六十四位的关键好处是



家园 你说的那是个理论值。现在的64位平台受硬件生产限制,

addressable memory space还很小(好像单个AMD Operon CPU现在也就是16GB)。等人们觉得16GB也不够的时候,他们可能就会再改进一下生产工艺。

以前在工作中,“领导”指配给我两台机器,都是SUN的大型Server。一个是8个CPU, 10G内存,用作testing。另外一个是12个CPU,16GB内存,用作production。说实在的,我没觉得怎么“爽”!

家园 PC升级着啥急?俺那个PIII-600还不是跑了快四年了

也就是加点内存,多塞个硬盘,添个DVD-+RW, 换个显卡什么的。

家园 关键在于软件



家园 我一般是四年一次大升级,正好能够赶上技术进步和性能需要
家园 就是不知道那时候是不是都一股脑都去玩LINUX去了
家园 不会的,政治因素除外


家园 那个benchmark是不是在dual-cpu上跑的?


dual-opteron 246 should be about twice as fast as dual-xeon 3.0GHz.

家园 嗯,M$还可以鼓励盗版Windows, Office啥的

不过SuSe 9.1已经做得很漂亮了。

家园 没错,是dual-cpu。不过Intel那个HT有时候还会扯后腿呢,

不是所有应用一定会boost性能。对于“一根筋”的单线程程序,HT带来的开销有时会降低性能。当然对于不少target HT的软件或是multi-threaded软件,会有5-25%左右的提高!

家园 问个问题: 64位包不包括数据总线64位


家园 y, better double precision ops
家园 光漂亮有什么用处?


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