
主题:【讨论】求教物理大牛:西工大在搞天顶星技术? -- billhy

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家园 【讨论】求教物理大牛:西工大在搞天顶星技术?




Mr. Shawyer claims his new drive will put existing ion drives to shame. Rejected by the Australia, Britain, and U.S. firms, he's developing his ideas in China. (Source: New Scientist)



A prototype of the drive is seen here. It uses a tapered cavity to supposedly produce thrust. Despite scathing criticism in the research community, China is investing big in the technology, hoping it will give them a military edge. (Source: Wired)

China Building Electromagnetic Drive (Emdrive)

DailyTech has reported on plenty of exotic propulsion technologies. From plasma engines to laser engines, the field of space propulsion is full of quirky ideas, many with big financial backing from NASA. Thus it takes a really strange idea to stand out. The story of Roger Shawyer and his "direct electricity" rocket is such a story.

Roger Shawyer's began his career entirely within the system. He worked his way up through the ranks and eventually became a senior aerospace engineer at Matra Marconi Space (later part of EADS Astrium) in Portsmouth, UK. There he supervised the design of radar and communications systems. Mr. Shawyer even served as a consultant on the Galileo project, Europe's satellite navigation system.

Then he came up with an idea that many would call crazy.

He drew up plans for an exotic space engine unlike any the world had seen. It would use a relativistic trick, first envision by Allen Cullen in the 1950s, to convert electricity into microwaves, which would then provide a supposedly incredible thrust. At Astrium, his outlandish ideas were met with scorn. He recalls, "I was told in no uncertain terms to drop it. This came from the very top."

So Mr. Shawyer went rogue, leaving his cushy desk job to design his engine, the EmDrive on his own. Reportedly he succeeded. In September 2006, he announced he had created a 9 kg prototype which consumed 700 W of power and outputted 88 millinewtons of force. Then in May 2007, Eureka carried news that Mr. Shawyer claimed to have upped his rocket's capacity to 96.1 millinewtons on 300 W (an over 100 percent performance boost), and better yet the new rocket was capable of continuous operation and its microwave generator did not burn out like the last.

Mr. Shawyer claimed his device worked based on a tapered cavity. Microwaves bouncing inside this cavity would normally cancel out forces in Newtonian mechanics. However, Mr. Shawyer believed under Einstein's relativistic mechanics, the taper would cause force to build on one side. And he claimed to have proof of it. Further, by limiting microwave conversion to heat, by lining the cavity walls with superconductor, Mr. Shawyer said he could produce a 30 N thrust on a single watt, increasing the prototype's efficiency by nearly 100,000 times.

Criticism was quick to come, though. Mr. Shawyer's papers and prototypes had not been reproduced or peer reviewed, fueling skepticism. Worse yet, John Costella, a theoretical physicist and electrical engineer who works for the Australian Department of Defense, whose Ph.D. is in relativistic electrodynamics, the field that Mr. Shawyers research draws upon, blasted the drive in an article in the magazine New Scientist, after Mr. Shawyer submit a paper for it.

Professor Costella stated in his scathing review, "It is well known that Roger Shawyer's 'electromagnetic relativity drive' violates the law of conservation of momentum, making it simply the latest in a long line of 'perpetuum mobiles' that have been proposed and disproved for centuries. His analysis is rubbish and his 'drive' impossible."

Ostracized in the U.S., in Europe, and in Australia, Mr. Shawyer turned to a country with ambitious space goals of its own and a penchant to think outside of the box -- China. Satellite Propulsion Research (SPR), Mr. Shawyer's company, has worked out a lucrative new deal with the Chinese government to develop the tech. What's more, Chinese physicists assisting Sawyer claim they are developing theoretical simulations that will "prove" the drive works.

Mr. Shawyer recently was interviewed by Wired magazine's "Danger Room" column and stated, "NPU started their research program in June 2007, under the supervision of Professor Yang Juan. They have independently developed a mathematical simulation which shows unequivocally that a net force can be produced from a simple resonant tapered cavity. The thrust levels predicted by this simulation are similar to those resulting from the SPR design software, and the SPR test results."

He goes on to say that the Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) in Xi'an, a leading government controlled Chinese university is manufacturing a prototype of his device. Professor Yang confirmed this, stating, "I could confirm that our mathematical simulation gives the results Dr. Roger Shawyer told you. Now we are submitting our result to a journal. It is now under the consideration of the editor. We also developed a tapered cavity and are preparing an experiment which will be completed at the end of this year."

The new drive, if it indeed works, would not help with launching objects into space. What it would be useful for is in-space propulsion. Most sci-fi writers envisioned "sublight" engines, and the direct electricity drive would do precisely that. If the Chinese get it working, it will give them a distinct military edge in space. A flight to Mars might take only 41 days. Further, it will cut the weight and costs of satellites approximately in half, as satellites require heavy boosters to maintain orbit. In short, the drive would revolutionize much of spaceflight and give China the dominance it dreams of -- if it works.

Mr. Shawyer says he would like to deal with the U.S. as well, but says communications have died. He states, "the flight thruster program is on hold for the present. [O]nce the U.K. government had provided an export license for a U.S. military application, the major U.S. aerospace company we had been dealing with stopped talking to us."

Meanwhile he and the Chinese are awaiting the peer review of their research. And the real test will not be in the response, which has already evoked mixed opinions, but simply whether the prototypes work -- and whether China's expensive and radical gamble in one man's rebellious dream has paid off.

家园 翻译


“"Emdrive”(electromagnetic drive的缩写,也就是电磁驱动)概念备受争议。创造了一概念的英国科学家Roger Shawyer认为,Emdrive能把电力通过微波转变为推进力并不违背物理定律。但很多科学家不这样认为。《新科学家》刊载的一篇关于Emdrive的文章引来了众多批评,科学家们认为Shawyer的工作明显不可能,推理也是错误的,还认为这篇文章根本不应该登出来。

“Roger Shawyer的‘电磁相对论驱动’违背了动量守恒定律,是不断提出来又不断被否定的永动机的最新版本,”澳大利亚物理学家John Costella写道,“他的分析都是垃圾,这种驱动是不可能的。”


一般来说这种大胆的断言通常都是由一些自学成才的山寨发明家做出的,他们声称爱因斯坦是错的。但是Shawyer为欧洲太空企业EADS Astrium工作,是个研究雷达和通信系统的项目经理。他的理论以爱因斯坦的理论为前提,推进器原理也是相对论效应的结果,在经典牛顿物理学范围不适用。许多人由于不认同他的工作而离开,英国政府的赞助也停止了。他通过美国和中国的一些投资维持,现在中国西安的西北工业大学终于等到结果了。

“西北工业大学在2007年6月启动了这个研究项目,负责人是杨娟(音译)教授。他们独立开发了一个数学模型,能够清晰证明简单的锥形共振腔能产生合力。” Shawyer告诉作者,“这一模型得出的推进力水平和SPR设计的软件得出的结果一致。”而且,西北工业大学“正在制造”基于这一理论的“推进器”。

“我能保证我们的数学模型能给出Roger Shawyer博士告诉你的结论。我们正把研究结果递交到专业期刊上,编辑们正在审阅,”杨教授补充道,“我们还开发出了锥形腔,正在为今年底的试验做准备。”


虽然机器产生的推进力很小,但意义重大。Shawyer把C-Band Emdrive和NASA现在使用的NSTAR等离子推进器相比较:Emdrive产生85mN的推进力,而NSTAR产生92mN(差不多是一盎司的三分之一)。但Emdrive仅消耗不到7公斤重的能量,是NSTAR30多公斤的四分之一。推进物是最大的区别:NSTAR每小时消耗10g,Emdrive却不消耗推进物。只要有电能提供,Emdrive就能不停运行。


中国会如何利用这个技术?可能由于杨教授和军方有关,他发表了一篇名为“等离子体攻击低轨道间谍卫星(Plasma Attack Against Low-Orbit Spy Satellites)”的论文。




局域环境中微波等离子体电子密度诊断实验研究 物理学报 2008/03

2 自由分子流微电热推力器(FMMR)流动模拟与喷嘴型面分析 固体火箭技术 2008/02

3 自由分子流微电热推力器流动模拟与性能预示 中国空间科学技术 2008/02

4 真空中微波等离子体喷流电子数密度分布规律实验研究 物理学报 2007/01

5 磁化等离子体对电磁波反射系数的计算分析 火力与指挥控制 2007/01

6 100W微波等离子推力器固态源研制 固体火箭技术 2007/02

7 MPT在探月中的应用方案初探 固体火箭技术 2007/03

8 水工质微波电火箭能量吸收转换机理分析 机械科学与技术 2007/08

9 有约束边界的微波等离子体喷流电子数密度分布规律实验研究 西北工业大学学报 2007/05

10 真空中不同极化电磁波在微波等离子体喷流中的衰减特性实验研究 物理学报 2007/12


研究等离子体干扰破坏低轨道侦察卫星功能的效应 ,提出了用等离子体反卫星的概念。对等离子体环境中卫星充放电机理及效应进行了分析 ,给出其干扰破坏低轨道卫星的途径为 :等离子体使卫星表面形成电弧放电电位差 ,并产生强烈的电弧电流和电磁脉冲 ,从而破坏太阳能电池阵、表面温控材料、星上微波电子仪器 ,并影响天线正常工作。把卫星表面分成 1 4个不同的等效单元 ,利用等效充电模式 ,计算了高密度低能和中等能量等离子体对某卫星表面的充电过程 ,分析电子温度和数密度、卫星表面初电位、太阳能电池阵电位对卫星表面最后达到平衡电位的影响。获得的结论是 :30 0 e V以上的能量将使卫星表面形成放电电位差

家园 如果能够成功,绝对具有划时代的意义





家园 第一感觉:貌似违反了“动量守恒定律”
家园 呵呵,这个就是电磁场约束的离子推进



家园 这个东西对太空探索用处太大了啊,呵呵



家园 光子是有动量的,微波应该也有吧


家园 说的也对


家园 此人好像没有发表他的理论的文章 不好定论


家园 光子有动量的






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