
主题:【原创】建议: 参加奥运的人人穿一件带西方印制的西藏地图的T恤 -- 颐和园

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家园 【原创】建议: 参加奥运的人人穿一件带西方印制的西藏地图的T恤

再印上:Here is Tibet (with arrow). It has been clearly marked as part of China in this 16XX British map. You idiot!

There are so many western maps marking Tibet as part of China, make several version of this T-shit and give these western idiots a lesson.

家园 这样不好把

Since 17XX,这样更不好。


家园 They want fact, this is the fact

Tibet has not been part of China before 16?? (17?? was an typo), this is a fact. But it is also a fact that it has been since 16??, long before the US was born.

Those who say China invaded Tibet in 1950 are telling a lie, they need serious education.

If they want a political Olympics, they will get a political Olympics.

不搭理他们 is like a Ostrich burying its head in the sand...

家园 还不如


家园 还不如show ass 给他们,或者全场观众背对那些垃圾
家园 太长了,没宣传效果


家园 不用这样


This was Dalai's Tibet! 或者 This was Dali did!


家园 This is a territory argument..

In westerner's eyes, there could be equal things to talk about the Chinese, like eating dogs, or executing people with bullets, so I don't think we should mix culture with politics. I disagree with the idea that we are right to take over Tibet because our culture is "superior", because others could use the same term to ask for our land, like what the Japs did in 1930s.

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