
主题:白鳍豚绝种了? -- 巴山夜雨

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  • 家园 白鳍豚绝种了?


    长江科考未发现白鳍豚 可能成首个被人灭绝鲸类

    • 家园 看看science 杂志是如何报道这次考察的


      "It seems the baiji is the only thing that is not made in China anymore," says Pitman.


      Science 22 Dec 2006 1860


      River Dolphins Down for the Count, and Perhaps Out

      Jerry Guo*

      The world's rarest cetacean is nowhere to be found. Last week, a 3500-kilometer survey along China's Yangtze River failed to turn up a single river dolphin, or baiji (Lipotes vexillifer). "It's going to take a rescue effort of epic proportions to save this species," says Karen Baragona, director of the World Wildlife Fund's China programs. But it may already be too late for the nearly blind, pale creature. Expedition organizer August Pfluger, head of the Swiss-based baiji.org Foundation, says bluntly: "The baiji is functionally extinct."

      Unhappy hunting. Expedition members search fruitlessly for signs of baiji on the hazy Yangtze River. The last baiji in captivity (inset) died in 2002.


      The gloomy appraisal has prompted researchers to redouble efforts to save another endangered Yangtze cetacean, the finless porpoise, known in China as the jiangzhu, or river pig. (Cetaceans include whales, dolphins, and porpoises.) The survey recorded fewer than 300 of the world's only freshwater porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaorientalis). Experts now estimate a total population of at most 1400, a 50% decline from the last major survey in 1991. "Without further intervention, the finless porpoise will be the next baiji," says survey member Zhang Xianfeng of the Wuhan Institute of Hydrobiology.

      Although biologists knew the baiji was scarce, coming home empty-handed after a 6-week survey up and down the Yangtze was unexpected. A team from China, the United Kingdom, and the United States had planned to follow the survey with a $400,000 "rescue mission" to transfer any captured baiji to Tian-e-Zhou Lake in Hubei Province, a sanctuary holding 30 f inless porpoises. That plan has been shelved, says Pfluger.

      The baiji split from other dolphins 20 million years ago. Since then, the baiji's eyes have shrunk to pea size. It can discern only light and dark, so it relies on a finely tuned sonar to hunt prey in the silty Yangtze. The last comprehensive survey in 1997 found 13 baiji; from this figure, experts pegged the population at fewer than 100. "For us to see zero means there might be 10" left in the wild, says survey member Barbara Taylor, a marine biologist with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Or, as Pfluger notes, zero may mean zero. If so, the baiji would follow the Stellar's sea cow, Caribbean monk seal, and Japanese sea lion into oblivion as the fourth large marine mammal to go extinct in the last 3 centuries. It would be the first cetacean lost in modern times.

      Although the baiji's fate is uncertain, the dangers it faces are all too apparent. The most immediate threat is the use of rolling hooks, says expedition co-director Robert Pitman, a NOAA marine biologist. These illegal fishing lines are stretched across a river and are known to snag and drown baiji. During the survey, says Pitman, "we saw hundreds of fishermen using rolling hooks."

      Long-term hazards are pollution and choking boat traffic. Near Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province, connected to the Yangtze by a narrow channel, Taylor counted some 1200 boats in a span of 2 hours. Between the heavy traffic and numerous factories hard up against the lakeshore, Taylor declares Poyang the "biggest environmental disaster" she's ever seen. That's bad news, as Poyang, China's largest lake, is one of the last redoubts of the finless porpoise: It has the biggest intact population, estimated at 400, with 80 spotted during the survey. Plucking the porpoise from peril won't be simple. Proposed megadams may fragment remaining populations, says Zhang. "There's no hope to change the environmental conditions on the Yangtze," he says. Pfluger says his organization will educate fishers about the impact of illegal fishing and finance a sustainable-fishing initiative at Tian-e-Zhou Lake. There, two or three porpoises are born each year, and captive breeding has resulted in a pregnancy last year, says expedition co-director Wang Ding of the Institute of Hydrobiology. "We have to set up more seminatural reserves like Tian-e-Zhou," Wang says.

      Sadly, that approach may no longer be applicable to the baiji, an apparent victim of China's booming economy and the attendant environmental degradation of a mighty river. "It seems the baiji is the only thing that is not made in China anymore," says Pitman.

      Jerry Guo is a writer in New Haven, Connecticut.

    • 家园 水系普遍被污染。


      • 家园 中国七大水系均遭污染, 三成连农业灌溉都不行





    • 家园 好象不是这样的吧


      • 家园 前段时间中国国家地理杂志出了一个专题



        • 家园 你忘了有一条被捉住放养在天鹅洲。






          • 家园 是吗,这个没留意


            • 家园 见内




      • 家园 最起码说明已经非常非常少了。


    • 家园 说点捣乱的:物种保护意义何在?

      先戴好钢盔:我知道,我知道,广义上的物种保护意义在于保持生态的多样性,从而使生态平衡更稳定... 但是具体到某个物种上,总感觉是它要灭就让它灭好了... 这个东东是没办法以人的意志为转移的... 比方说棘鳍鱼,大家都以为已经灭绝了 -- 也并没有什么天崩地裂的事情发生么... 后来又发现了两条,好好,大家都高兴了,松了一口气 -- 这么珍贵的物种总算没有完全灭绝 -- 可完全忘记了这之前多少年没有这两条鱼的时候,地球依然地转啊转个不停,春风啊不解风情~~~ 好像跑题了,回来说白鳍豚吧,看了那么多资料,都说是“珍贵的活化石”啊,对研究长江流域古生态变迁有帮助啊什么的... 咱们假设一下,如果早在公元1900年的时候白鳍豚就灭绝了,是不是说这个“长江流域古生态变迁研究”就会遭受灭顶之灾,彻底研究不下去了?

      总感觉这个“物种保护”的重要性被人为地夸张了许多... 整体生态环境在不断地恶化,光是声嘶力竭地吆喝对某种特定物种的保护,未免有些视野狭隘了吧...


      • 家园 保护濒危野生动物是一个哲学问题,不是经济学问题





        • 家园 这并不是“做与不做”之问,而是“做多做少”之问

          “做与不做”是个态度问题 -- 做是肯定要做的,这个估计大家都没有疑问。

          我的问题在于“做多做少” -- 程度之问。保护是肯定要保护的,但问题是这钱要花到什么程度?毕竟作为国家不可能把100%的国民生产总值都投入到保护野生动物上是不是?不可能说宁肯大家饿着肚子也要保护好野生动物是不是?尤其是在目前生态环境整体恶化的大前提下,大力保护某一两种濒危物种,这钱花得值不值?


      • 家园 动物保护归根到底应该是对人的保护。



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