
主题:【原创】请西西河友签名支持陈建生被枪杀案 -- indy

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  • 家园 【原创】请西西河友签名支持陈建生被枪杀案










    关键词(Tags): #陈建生通宝推:盲人摸象,脊梁硬,李根,红茶冰,
    • 家园 20170216晚上消息-凶手名字照片披露



      关键词(Tags): #陈建生
    • 家园 20170216下午消息,杀手被捕被控二级谋杀



      Johnathan Cromwell



      关键词(Tags): #陈建生通宝推:盲人摸象,李根,
    • 家园 20170216请支持保持WIKIPEDIA陈建生条目



      关键词(Tags): #陈建生
    • 家园 20170216 - 检察官Parr今天邮件答复案件进展

      加州议会议员 Phillip Chen对案件进展表示关注




      本案关键人物,将根据警方调查报告决定是否对杀手提出刑事诉讼的地区检察官Nancy G. Parr


      From: Nancy Parr

      Date: Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 6:45 AM

      Subject: Re: Can we assume that our investigator will have enough evidence to support forensic analysis in Grandpa Chen's case?

      To: Shirley XXXX

      The Chesapeake Police Department has been investing Mr. Chen's death since January 26, 2017. I have been meeting with the detective and Chief to discuss what has been done. All decisions will be based on the evidence and not on rumors or media reports.

      I understand that this tragic event is the first encounter with the criminal justice for the concerned citizens and groups who have contacted me and other people. When people are thrust into an arena where they haven't been before, then the process can appear to be long and tedious. I appreciate that feeling.

      I am glad that you contacted me and I hope this reply answers your questions.

      Nancy G. Parr

      Sent from my iPad

      关键词(Tags): #陈建生通宝推:李根,
      • 家园 警长Kelvin Wright回复华人询问进展

        Lili, thanks for your inquiry. I must say I understand your apprehension, but as this process of investigation continues, ultimately to the correct end, I expect to have resolution shortly.

        More information will be forthcoming.


        Chief Wright

        (the time stamp is 8:45 AM based on the image of the text message)

        关键词(Tags): #陈建生
    • 家园 三位分别来自弗吉尼亚和纽约的国会议员开始关注此事进展

      McEachin, Scott seek answers in death of Va. grandfather, who lawyer says was shot while playing Pokémon Go


      Two members of Congress from Virginia and one from New York are looking for answers about the January death of a 60-year-old man from Chesapeake who, according to his family’s lawyer, was fatally shot by a neighborhood security guard while playing “Pokemon Go.”

      Jiansheng Chen, 60, was sitting in his minivan in a parking lot in Chesapeake the night of Jan. 26 when he was fatally shot by a security guard, according to media reports about the case.

      Police have said Chen, who was Chinese and spoke little English, argued with a security guard before the guard fired the fatal shots. A lawyer representing the security guard says the guard acted in self-defense.

      Police continue to investigate the case. The guard has not been identified publicly.

      The Virginian-Pilot reported Monday that more than 5,000 people have signed petitions urging the filing of charges against the security guard.

      “We are deeply saddened over the death of Jiansheng Chen,” Reps. A. Donald McEachin, D-4th, Robert C. “Bobby” Scott, D-3rd, and Grace Meng, a New York Democrat, said in a statement Tuesday.

      “We are also concerned about the manner and circumstances in which he lost his life. Many questions remain and need to be answered, and we call on local authorities to conduct their investigation thoroughly and expeditiously.

      “We must know how a game of ‘Pokemon Go’ turned into a fatal shooting.”

      The three representatives said they hope Congress “will act in a bipartisan manner to ensure law enforcement personnel receive high-quality, evidence-based training in nonlethal de-escalation tactics.”

      • 家园 20170215陈建生被枪杀案进展



        1. 孟昭文等三位国会议员联名发表声明表示对此案的关注。

        2. 华盛顿邮报(The Washington Post)和美联社(AP)今天报道陈建生被杀案。美国主流媒体开始关注此案件。

        3. 家属、民众和百余组织向五位州议员递交请愿书。

        4. 一些证据显示保安公司在当地很可能具有“地头蛇”式势力,形势依然严峻。

        经过广大华人热心人士许多天以来的不懈努力,华裔老人陈建生被枪杀一案的维权行动取得阶段性成果!今天,三位联邦众议员:Grace Meng(孟昭文,纽约州第六选区,民主党)、Bobby Scott(维州第三选区,民主党)和Donald McEachin(维州第四选区,民主党)发表联合声明,呼唤陈老被害真相。据媒体报道,在孟昭文推动下,两名代表维州的国会议员介入此案,并共同发表此声明。该声明全文(见图)翻译如下:

    • 家园 今天NBC新闻报道了

      Politicians, Advocates Call for Answers in Fatal Shooting of Grandfather


      by CHRIS FUCHS

      Chinese-American civil rights groups and federally elected officials are stepping up pressure on authorities in Virginia who are investigating the Jan. 26 death of a 60-year-old man who was fatally shot by a security guard.

      The efforts, which include a petition drive and speaking with state lawmakers, come more than two weeks after Jiansheng Chen was killed while sitting in his minivan in Chesapeake, Virginia, less than a mile away from his home.

      Jiansheng Chen. Courtesy of the Chen Family

      No one has been charged in the shooting, and the guard has not been identified.

      House Reps. Grace Meng (D-NY), Donald McEachin (D-VA), and Bobby Scott (D-VA) issued a joint statement Tuesday about the case, saying they were concerned over the circumstances surrounding Chen's death.

      "Many questions remain and need to be answered, and we call on local authorities to conduct their investigation thoroughly and expeditiously," the statement reads. "We must know how a game of Pokémon Go turned into a fatal shooting."

    • 家园 捐了一点点钱


    • 家园 花一下你。我上午搞错了。


      • 家园 您误会了,这个不是白宫签名请愿


        Colonel Wright - 当地警长,以后如果开庭很有可能会作证

        Chesapeake Police Chief

        Nancy Parr - 地区检察官,决定是否刑事起诉枪手

        Commonwealth's Attorney

        Mark Herring - 州检察长

        Virginia Attorney General

        Jeff Sessions - 司法部长

        US Attorney General

        • 家园 华盛顿邮报报道纽约议员孟弗吉尼亚2议员介入


          Lawmakers seek answers in shooting of man playing Pokemon Go

          By Associated Press

          February 14 at 12:42 PM

          CHESAPEAKE, Va. — Members of Virginia’s .

          Virginia Reps. Donald McEachin and Bobby Scott and New York Rep. Grace Meng say in a joint statement that they’re concerned about the “manner and circumstances” of Jiansheng Chen’s January death.

          McEachin, Scott and Meng say they “must know how a game of Pokemon Go turned into a fatal shooting.”

        • 家园 对不起我搞错了。

          记得从前是有说法, 在这里(存疑,也许是其它网站)凑足十万签名,就送交白宫,白宫必须回复。所以我以为是白宫的网站。

          我又看了看大家对这个网站的评论。 基本上它随时都有几十个签名运动,随便一个人都可以发起签名,所以我也不对它抱任何期待。

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