
主题:【原创】说说苹果转向英特尔这件事 -- Highway

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  • 家园 【原创】说说苹果转向英特尔这件事

    前一段日子网上谣言满天飞,说是苹果准备倒向英特尔,放弃IBM的PowerPC系统。当然,苹果和Intel在第一时间都回绝了这种谣言。不过我们都知道,这种辟谣就意味着“这不是谣言”。当时Intel的股票上蹿了不少。正应了华尔街那句老话“You buy at rumor and you sell at news!”


    不过中国人的报道有些误导,说是“下周苹果将转用英特尔芯片”。实际上最早采用英特尔芯片的苹果计算机可能到明年6月才能出现。而高端的Apple则要到2007年6月左右。所以不要觉着下礼拜就可以到商店里买到Intel Inside的苹果电脑了。






    转向Intel后的另外一个好处就是研发成本迅速降低。Apple可以直接利用业界的最新成果,而这些东西都是Intel, AMD,以及那些Chipset厂商和内存厂商来完成的,Apple不用自己单搞一套了。这样不仅研发费用大幅下降,同时Apple的硬件水准却可以与时俱进,在浪尖弄潮了。

    在操作系统方面,Apple转向的压力也不是很大。现在的Apple OS X操作系统是FreeBSD上开发出来的。而FreeBSD在Intel的平台上运行一点问题也没有。所以操作系统一端,Apple比较好解决。


    苹果之所以能存在,就是因为它与众不同。也就是Apple标榜的“Think Different!”。因为这个Different,Apple电脑可以要高价。有丰厚的利润Margin。如果转向Intel,那就“泯然众人矣了”。和DELL,HP就在一条起跑线上了,那时候苹果还有什么傲人的秘密武器,除去Design以外?那Apple还凭什么问用户要高价?如果一旦不能要高价了,那和DELL,HP一起拼比价格,Apple能有多少胜算?




    就我看到的一些报道来看,现在的苹果操作系统在底层还是有一些问题的,尤其是Thread model方面,比Windows和Linux落后很多,在一般应用上这不是问题,但是在多用户多线程的应用上表现非常明显。其性能不到Windows和Linux的10%,可以说是惨不忍睹了。到时候Apple转向了Intel,用户会不会一生气,Re-Format硬盘,然后装上Windows呢?

    其实近些年来转向的公司不在少数。比如当年如日中天的SUN都逐步转向AMD了。虽然眼下SUN宣称AMD只是出现在公司的低端产品线上。实际上,AMD的性能早就超过了SUN的所谓的高端Ultra Sparc系列(只是在扩充性方面AMD还只局限在8路/16 core上)。你们也许没有注意到,最近一年多来,Sun提交的各种Benchmark纪录都是在“低端的”AMD平台上取得的。



    The Sun Fire V20z server, equipped with two AMD Opteron Model 252 processors and running Solaris 10 OS, delivered 65,840 SPECjbb2000 operations per second, surpassing the best published results for any 2 CPU 64-bit system, as of March 28, 2005. The newest 2-way 64-bit world record on the SPECjbb2000 benchmark, which measures the implementation of the Java Virtual Machine, as well as the performance of the underlying operating system and the scalability of the system's processors and memory, clearly demonstrates that Solaris 10 delivers better results than SuSe Linux. The testing was performed on a pair of identically configured Sun Fire V20z servers, utilizing the latest version of Java 2 Platform (J2SE 5.0) built for the respective operating system.

    Do one thing and do it well。这是美国商业界的一句名言。那些兼作CPU的厂商(比如Sun, IBM以及HP)由于不能全力以赴,倾全力到芯片业务上,所以他们慢慢的开始发觉跟不上Intel和AMD的脚步,开始掉队了。如果说开发一代CPU的成本是相近的,那么由于Intel和AMD的产量是他们的几百倍,那么也就意味着每个CPU上的研发成本是他们的几百分之一。他们的CPU即使在性能上有点优势,但在巨大的价格差异面前就显得无足轻重了。IBM已经意识到了这个问题,所以他现在在拼命的找出路,比如说和微软以及SONY联盟,想在游戏机市场上寻找市场。如果没有一定量的市场需求,IBM的芯片业务也会死掉,sooner or later!


    Anyway, the road ahead will not be easy for Apple!




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    • 家园 受apple换心影响大的还有一个人,gates

      在pc操作系统市场,windows至今没有对手。linux等open source操作系统因为是open source,所以不可能给windows造成多大威胁。别听记者胡吹,除了少数专业人员一般的用户根本不可能选用open source操作系统。

      而apple转用intel芯片,除了apple硬件会更加便宜,软件兼容开发会更容易,另一个结果就是其它intel芯片机的用户第一次可以有了选择,可以放弃windows选用另一种优质的有商业公司和产业支持的操作系统mac os。

      • 家园 I don't think Mr. Gate will worry too much about Apple !

        Mac OX简洁,美观,有很多与众(MS)不同的地方,但它真的比Windows优秀吗?远远不是!


        现在几乎所有的开发语言软件包都有Windows版本,所有的应用软件都有Windows版本,几乎所有的硬件都支持Windows。这是Windows最大的优势。微软和Intel联手搞了那么多年,Who else can know Intel CPU better than Microsoft?

        Apple OS在漂亮的外壳下问题还是挺多的。它的Kernel Thread model相当的落后,在复杂的多线程应用上其效能不到Windows/Linux的10%,并且在今后很长时间内,Apple不会修改这个内核的。所以,Apple想击败Windows,5年内我看是没有可能的。


        • 家园 威胁离击败还是有相当距离的



          刚看到消息dell已经表示兴趣给自己的客户配mac os了。看来有不少人这样看这件事欧,呵呵。

          • 家园 没错,有竞争才会有发展。


            有趣的一个问题是,Apple现在还不想开放它的Mac OS。但是一旦转到Intel平台上去了,它怎么防止普通用户在家里的PC上安装Mac OS呢?不管Apple从软件上还是硬件上做手脚,Hacker门肯定会找出办法的,那时候也许盗版Apple CD满世界都是呢。Who knows?点看全图


    • 家园 看看俺偶像咋说D,老轧会对他更有信心么?


      Apple's Jobs Tells Graduates About Dropout

      Monday June 13, 9:14 am ET

      By Justin M. Norton, Associated Press Writer

      Apple's Jobs Tells Graduates That Dropping Out of College Spurred His Creativity

      PALO ALTO, Calif. (AP) -- Apple Computer Inc.'s CEO Steve Jobs told Stanford University graduates Sunday that dropping out of college was one of the best decisions he ever made because it forced him to be innovative -- even when it came to finding enough money for dinner.

      In an unusually candid commencement speech, Jobs also told the almost 5,000 graduates that his bout with a rare form of pancreatic cancer reemphasized the need to live each day to the fullest.

      "Your time is limited so don't let it be wasted living someone else's life," Jobs said to a packed stadium of graduates, alumni and family.

      Jobs, wearing sandals and jeans under his robe, was treated like a rock star by the students, in large part due to the surge in popularity of Apple's iPod digital music player.

      A group of students wore iPod mini costumes over their robes and several students shouted, "Steve, hire me!"

      Jobs, 50, said he attended Reed College in Portland, Ore., but dropped out after only eight months because it was too expensive for his working-class family. He said his real education started when he "dropped in" on whatever classes interested him -- including calligraphy.

      Jobs said he lived off 5-cent soda recycling deposits and free food offered by Hare Krishnas while taking classes.

      He told the graduates that few friends could see the value of learning calligraphy at the time but that painstaking attention to detail -- including mastering different "fonts" -- was what set Macintosh apart from its competitors.

      "If I had never dropped out I might never have dropped in on that calligraphy," Jobs said.

      Jobs also recounted founding Apple in his parent's basement and his tough times after being forced out of the company he founded when he was only 30.

      "I was a very public failure and I even thought about running away from the valley," Jobs said.

      Instead, he founded Pixar Studios, which has released enormously popular films such as "Finding Nemo" and "Monsters, Inc."

      "It was awful tasting medicine but I guess the patient needed it," Jobs said.

      When he was diagnosed with cancer, Jobs said his doctor told him he only had three- to-six months to live. He later found out he had a rare, treatable form of the disease -- but he still learned a tough lesson.

      "Remembering you are going to die is the best way to avoid the fear that you have something to lose," he said.

      Before the ceremony, a plane rented by the Computer TakeBack Campaign, an environmental group, flew over the stadium with a banner that read: "Steve, don't be a mini player -- recycle all e-waste." The group is prodding Apple to improve its efforts to recycle obsolete electronics.



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