
主题:【原创】问道概率题 -- baiqi

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  • 家园 【原创】问道概率题

    1.有100个人,每个人的身高不同,他们随机排成一列,你从第一个走到最后一个,不能回头,只能向前走,你经过了20个,再往前走,遇到第一个比前面 20个都要高的人,你就把他选出来,如果直到100个都没有比前20个要高的,你就挑第100个,游戏结束。


    2.你的目的是选出前5高的人,那么有没有一个最恰当的人数x,你经过x个人后,再往前走,遇到第一个比前面x个都要高的人,就选他(如果直到 100个都没有就选第100个),而选出的人是前5高的概率最高。

    • 家园 Ignatov's Theorem

      Google: Ignatov's Theorem

      k-record values of discrete random variables

    • 家园 some comments

      Consider the tallest one amount the first 20 persons, and name him "X". let's call the shortest one the 1'st person, and the tallest one the 100'th person.

      X is the x'th person. Obviously, x could be any number between 20 and 100.

      Next, we will pick up an "Y", while we go through the original line. This Y is the y'th person in height. Apparently, the range of y is [x + 1, 100].

      The question is:

      What is the probability of y being 96 - 100?

      The desired consequence is comprised by two events, event A and event B. Event A is the combination of the first 20 persons, and Event B is picking up a "good" person from the rest of the line. For example:

      event A event B

      ------- -------

      1) x = 20 96'th - 100'th got picked

      2) x = 21 96'th - 100'th got picked




      77) x = 96 97'th - 100'the got picked



      The final answer should be the summation of the probability of each row. The probability of each row should be the multiple of the probabilities of event A and event B in that row.

      The probability of event B in each row is comparatively easy. For instance, P(B) of row 1 should be 5 / (100 - 20).

      The calculation of column A is complicated. Taking the first row as an example, the point is that the first 20 persons you encountered are indeed the first 20 persons regarding to their height. The order between these 20 persons is not important (any combination is allowed).

      need some more work...

      • 家园 随便说说



        就前二十个人来说,其中最高者可能在所有人中排第20位,21位,......,100位(event A)。比如说前二十人中最高的是30号,那么剩下的80人里面,必然有70(=100-30)人的编号大于30,其余10(=80-70=30-20)人编号大于30。


        对于后面80人,我们希望编号为100的那个人排在其中大于30号的70人的第一位(event B),加上这个要求,排法为C(80,70)*(70-1)!*10!。下面再说event A的排列方法。我们先要在1到29号里选出19个,然后加上30号,这二十个人在前二十个位置上自由排列,方法数为C(29,19)*20!。我觉得如何选这19个人和后面80人的排法无关,所以可以用乘法原理。这样,如果前二十人里最高的是第30号,共有C(29,19)*20!*C(80,70)*69!*10!种排法,它的概率就是这个数除以100!。利用上面对100!的分解,可以稍微化简一下。类似的办法可以分析其它可能的event A,然后求和。


        • 家园 谢谢你量化出这个分析





          • 家园 基本同意





            本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
            • 家园 呵呵,你是个手勤的人




              • 家园 手勤谈不上,碰巧今天得闲



                • 家园 献花不算数

                  献花不算数 is because:

                  Our webmaster (Tie Shou) requires that at least three flowers every three days, in order to make your flower to be counted. Take this as an example, you can not see any flowers on the page, but if you click the "统计", you will see something different.

      • 家园 I don't think so.

        The probability of event B in each row is comparatively easy. For instance, P(B) of row 1 should be 5 / (100 - 20).


        I don't think so.

        what if I run into the height smaller than top5 but larger than all the previous 20?

        • 家园 Yes, 1/16 is only for row 1

          Yes, you are right.

          Event B is actually a series of events. In the expression 5 / (100 - 20), the number "20" should be replaced in each different row.

          For example, in the second row, the tallest one amount the first 20 persons is the 21'st guy in height. Therefore, (100 - 21) persons MAY be picked, but only 5 of them are desired. The probability of event B in this case/row is 5 / (100 - 21).

          • 家园 no, you misundertood me.



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