
主题:【原创】Google振臂高呼,却发现自己在裸奔 -- 致人

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  • 家园 【原创】Google振臂高呼,却发现自己在裸奔



    彭博的文章说T G打压达沃斯,下了禁口令:不准谈论Google。嗯,是克强同志指示的。

    “China didn’t want to discuss Google,” Josef Ackermann, chief executive officer of Deutsche Bank AG and a co-chairman of this year’s World Economic Forum, said in an interview. China’s Vice Premier Li Keqiang made that clear, he said.


    Even Google CEO Eric Schmidt didn’t bring up China, a market that will account for $600 million of Google’s sales this year, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co.


    “All in all, from a business perspective, China is doing well and at this point of time here I should refrain from making political comments,” Eckhard Cordes, CEO of Metro AG, Germany’s largest retailer, said in an interview. “China has not been a major subject here in Davos.”


    Google wasn’t mentioned in either of two China-oriented Davos panel discussions: One called “U.S.-China: Reshaping the Global Agenda” and another on “Redesigning the Global Dimensions of China’s Growth,” which featured Alcoa Inc. CEO Klaus Kleinfeld and Blackstone Group CEO Stephen Schwarzman. The participants debated topics including what China Central Television host Rui Chenggang called a “self-righteous” Western media’s misapprehension of China. Rui and Schwarzman both declined to comment about Google after the panel.

    “I don’t know where you would have interjected it on this panel, but if it had come up, I would have commented on it,” Kleinfeld said in an interview.


    当然,还是有人有骨气的,有正义感的,有明辨黑白对错能力的,能为朋友两肋插刀的。这不,财富杂志的主编就公然蔑视克强同志的指示,把这个话题挑了开来:退出了T G市场,Google你丫还能整些啥?

    In a session on technology and society, Adam Lashinsky, Fortune Magazine’s editor-at-large, went against Vice Premier Li’s wishes and attempted to draw out the discussion of Google.

    “If Google is not involved in China in the future, would Google be achieving its mission?” Lashinsky asked.


    “We love what China is doing as a country and its growth,” Schmidt said. “We just don’t like the censorship. We hope to apply some negotiation or pressure to make things better for the Chinese people.”


    Google had approached other companies to seek their help drawing attention to the cyber attack in December and was frustrated by their reluctance to come forward, a person familiar with the matter said this month.



    “People have their commercial interests,” Deutsche Bank’s Ackermann said.


    = = = = = = =咱也学一学不那么华丽的分隔线= = = = = = = = =

    实际上,咱个人对T G的封网审查制度是颇有微言滴。封来封去,到头来该有的不该有的还是一样有。还不如把精力花在潜移默化的舆论引导上面。当然,智力深不可测的Z X B能不能胜任是另一回事了。

    但是在商言商,Google不耐T G的条条框框,真退出也好,假退出也好,威逼利诱也好,撒泼耍赖也好,那都是商业操作。就算扯块遮羞布出来也有人喝彩。不过跟美帝政府勾搭在一起就让人恶心了。希拉里同学的踊跃发言怎么都让人觉得整件事变了味道。Google要掺和在政治里面,给人当枪使,那就得有付出代价的准备。特别是美帝政府一向的所作所为包括在伊拉克,阿富汗都不是那么令人信服。不是靠奥BlahBlah嘴皮子动两下就能让人投怀入抱滴(当然,奥粉,别有用心的,脑残的除外)


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