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  • 家园 【原创】笑匠伴我行-序

    记不清从什么时候开始喜欢上了Stand-Up Comedy,开始是偶尔在电视上看看,后来发展到经常在网上搜这些东西。虽然直到今天也不敢说全都可以听明白,但是这种表演的包袱实在是太多了,即便错过其中的几个,还是难免笑得呼吸困难,丧失行动能力。难怪观众都是坐着看这种演出,不是不想站着,实在是不能够啊。







    • 家园 北有单口相声,南有海派清口

      stand-up comedy在我国也开始复兴了。pxpxpx出新贴,顶!

    • 家园 笑匠伴我行-Chris Rock (2)种族篇(重写)

      前面讲到CR在Everybody Hates Chris这个电视系列剧里详细的讲述了自己年幼时的经历。他的经历给人印象比较深刻的有两个方面:






      My house costs millions of dollars. [some whistles and cheers from the audience] Don't hate the player, hate the game. In my neighborhood, there are four black people. Hundreds of houses, four black people. Who are these black people? Well, there's me, Mary J. Blige, Jay-Z and Eddie Murphy. Only black people in the whole neighborhood. So let's break it down, let's break it down: me, I'm a decent comedian. I'm a'ight. [applause] Mary J. Blige, one of the greatest R&B singers to ever walk the Earth. Jay-Z, one of the greatest rappers to ever live. Eddie Murphy, one of the funniest actors to ever, ever do it. Do you know what the white man who lives next door to me does for a living? He's a fucking dentist! He ain't the best dentist in the world...he ain't going to the dental hall of fame...he don't get plaques for getting rid of plaque. He's just a yank-your-tooth-out dentist. See, the black man gotta fly to get to somethin' the white man can walk to.




      Wealth will set us fucking free, okay? 'Cause wealth is empowering, wealth can uplift communities from poverty, okay? A white man gets wealthy, he builds Wal-Marts and makes other white people have some motherfucking money. A brother gets rich, he buys some motherfucking jewelry.

      Maybe, just maybe, if we didn't spend all of our money in rims, we might have some to invest.


      再比如下面这段,可以说将黑人的问题讲得很透了,如鄙视学习,崇尚暴力,一味责怪媒体抹黑等等,最逗人的是Media & ATM,历史,和Martin Luther King那个段子:


      • 家园 CR的确是当代笑星里很张扬的一位,附下载链接

        如果说每个笑星都有各自特立独行的喜剧人格,CR的喜剧人格大概就是极端地政治不正确并且极端地理直气壮,尤其是当他站在黑人/男人/黑男人的角度上说事的时候。Comedy is truth and pain, 看CR的表演特别容易体会这个道理


        作为黑人:警告布什不要提名鲍威尔做副手的段子;Obama的名字比穆托姆博这个名字还要black的段子(when you hear Barack Obama you image a brother with SPEAR);关于他跟Eddie Murphy居住社区里那些白人邻居的段子

        作为男人:stripper段子(ur wife's gonna take care of you, but she's not gonna entertain you!);每个女人一周里——去他X的——一天里至少要被offer dick三次的段子(May I help you?——may I help you with some dick?)

        作为黑男人:跟OJ杀妻相关的一堆段子;第33季某期周六纽约夜开场白里关于奥巴马和希拉里的段子(what r u bitches waiting for???)

        CR迄今似乎总共出过四张stand up dvd,链接如下(megaupload):

        Chris Rock - Bring the Pain




        First coming to the attention of the American masses as a mid-1990s "Saturday Night Live" regular, Chris Rock later skyrocketed to the status of Class A, million-dollar-salary celebrity with high-profile movie roles and a regular show on HBO. This video, taped for a 1996 HBO special, features Rock in between mainstream success and international fame -- and he's at his irreverent, controversial, political and, best of all, uncensored best!

        Chris Rock - Bigger & Blacker




        Stand-up comedian Chris Rock takes to the stage of Harlem's fabled Apollo Theater with his raw riffs on race relations, fidelity, Bill Clinton's presidency, school violence, parental duties and more. Rock's brand of incendiary comedy takes no prisoners, and the comic makes no apologies for his frank, insightful social commentary and his demand that people take responsibility for the choices they make in life.

        Chris Rock - Never Scared




        Emmy Award-winning actor and comedian Chris Rock is back in the stand-up spotlight with his fourth HBO special, filmed live at the DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C. As always, Rock offers some uniquely insightful -- and absolutely hilarious -- takes on dozens of social, political and celebrity issues. From marriage and abortion to Michael Jackson and George W. Bush, nothing escapes Rock's scathing observations. For adults only!

        Chris Rock - Kill the messenger




        Superstar comedian Chris Rock delivers his trademark combination of off-color humor and insightful, but hysterical, commentary on race, sex and politics in this HBO solo show recorded in London, South Africa and New York. Rock pulls no punches in this hard-hitting stand-up performance that skewers celebrity culture, social inequality and the always complex relationship between women and the men who pursue them.

        • 家园 你说的挺全的

          Chris Rock的东西有些确实比较过分,比如对女性,尤其是黑人女性的不尊重。还有就是黑/白一类的话题太露骨了。不过在美国,你不这么出位,就别想出头了,别人花钱来听你的段子,你总得说点不寻常的吧?要是象国内有些相声演员一样,一辈子就那么几个段子,个个中规中矩的,那就别混了。

          话说回来,Chris Rock还是很有才华的,他出格的东西说的比较透,比较彻底,给人的印象是坦率而且聪明(就是格调不高),他本人高一就辍学了,他的这些东西全靠自己平时琢磨和积累,还是挺不简单的。



          White man makes guns? No problem. Black rapper says "guns"? Congressional hearing.

          A black C student can't do shit with his life. A black C student can't be a manager at Burger King, meanwhile a white C student just happens to be the President of the United States.

          All you crazy white people "I'm American!", all you did was come out of your mother's pussy on American soil. That's it. That's it! What, you think you're better than somebody from France 'cause you came out of a pussy in Detroit?


          If it's all white, it's all right!

          • 家园 白人里Robert William上台也是黄段子连篇

            只是白人不敢动种族话题, Seinfield里的krama的演员Michael Richards在台上被人骚扰, 暴了N word. 被人用手机录下, 上youtube 就被黑人团体反复点名要求道歉.能拿种族话题开玩笑, 第一你本身就是少数民族,这也要分等级, 西班牙人可以开西班牙人,白人的玩笑, 黑人,同性恋是禁忌. 黑人可以开以上所有种族的玩笑,除了同性恋. 同性恋才能开同性恋玩笑. 只有动画片才能开唰所有人.

            大多数独口秀站台其实是为了有朝一日能上电视节目一举成名. 很多电视喜剧演员都是站台出身,所以不需要多少场景,剧情, 单凭表情,动作,语调就能让人笑得不行. 当然更多的是一辈子默默无闻. 有一次在npr上听Anthony Griffith讲他当初为了上电视一边说着笑话, 一边担心他得癌症的女儿在医院急救的怎么样了. 心里想哭, 脸上还要带着笑逗观众开心.

            • 家园 昨晚科伯尔报告里特意提到了你说的这茬

              老招牌The Word下面,科伯尔老兄说

              ....that's why Jews can tell Jewish jokes, Irish can tell Irish jokes...

              他身边的显示器接着说...and late night liberals can tell gay jokes

    • 家园 笑匠伴我行-Chris Rock (1)序

      Chris Rock生在美国真是全世界其他各个国家的损失,包括正在飞速发展的中国。





      说起来,Chris是个苦孩子,他童年的悲惨经历都被他写进了Everybody Hates Chris这部电视连续剧里。不夸张的讲,Chris写故事和编剧的能力是一流的,有才是真的呀。



      比起电视电影,其实,俺觉得,Chris的强项还是Stand-Up Comedy,史上第五可不是浪得虚名。


    • 家园 好啊,十分期待这贴
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