
主题:【原创】笑死了,内讧了内讧了! -- 外务府行走

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  • 家园 【原创】笑死了,内讧了内讧了!


    Prague - The Czech Special Operations Group (SOG) has several times abandoned British soldiers to whom it is subordinate in fighting in Afghanistan, daily Mlada fronta Dnes (MfD) writes today.The failure of some commanders is now being investigated by the inspection of outgoing Defence Minister Vlasta Parkanova (Christian Democrats, KDU-CSL).

    The possible dismissal of unit commanded Petr Krcmar is spoken about, MfD writes.

    SOG soldiers, however, say there are no clear rules to guide the deployment of the soldiers in fighting, and some even want to return to Parkanova the awards they have received.

    According to MfD, British soldiers mistrust the Czechs because they quit a military operation, saying it is "too dangerous," or another time they excused themselves, saying they are not action capable because many soldiers are on leave.

    The Britons who originally had a strong interest in cooperation with the Czech unit later left it to the Danes who used the specially trained Czech soldiers as guards or protection of humanitarian workers, MfD writes.

    The paper writes that these cases have very strongly damaged the otherwise excellent reputation of the Czech military in Afghanistan.

    Parkanova said the scandal is a reason for personnel changes, MfD writes.

    Krcmar, however, dismisses the accusations as expedient and as a tool to dissolve SOG.

    SOG was founded in 2001 by then defence minister Jaroslav Tvrdik (social Democrats, CSSD), but only the new military police commander Vladimir Lozek is now seeking ways to give the unit a legal framework, MfD writes.

    The military command has been assigned to present by end-May a vision of the military special units' future arrangement.

    In connection with the situation within SOG, the Defence Ministry started in February to consider the creation of a new entity that would roof Czech special forces and that would organisationally fall within the power of the general staff, not the defence minister.

    SOG is one of the two special units of the Czech military. It is mainly destined to protect people and to carry out police actions. The other is a special unit based in Prostejov, south Moravia.



    • 家园 那是 想当年人家捷克也是 兵器大国




    • 家园 捷克人的历史啊



    • 家园 【支持】新时代好兵帅克








    • 家园 各怀鬼胎
    • 家园 英国兵也指责德国兵

      说阿富汗战场上的德国兵是fair weather warriors,这是德国Spiegel杂志自己说的。不过英国兵抱怨也不无道理,德国国防部的律师早早给阿富汗盟军司令写信,罗列德军可以做、不可以做的事情,基本上只要本身不遭到攻击,被保护的对象不遭到直接攻击,或者没有紧邻的平民遭到攻击,德军不能参加作战行动。这样一来,英军(或者美军、加军)在进攻塔利班目标的时候,德军就不得加入作战,因为这不符合上面三条。德军也不能用于主动出击清缴塔利班,远程火力支援都不行。德军的医护人员倒是可以参加行动,但每天下午一到4点,就要以“occupational safety and health”理由乘直升机离开战场,据说是回营地喝茶去了,而把酣战中的英军丢下,气得他们打骂。

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