
主题:北朝鲜迈出了关键的第一步。 -- wanderer

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  • 家园 北朝鲜迈出了关键的第一步。







    Under the deal, the North will receive initial aid equal to 50,000 tons of heavy fuel oil for shutting down and sealing its main nuclear reactor and related facilities at Yongbyon, north of the capital, to be confirmed by international inspectors.

    For irreversibly disabling the reactor and declaring all nuclear programs, the North will eventually receive another 950,000 tons in aid.

    North Korea and United States also will embark on talks aimed at resolving disputes and restarting diplomatic relations. The Korean peninsula has technically remained in a state of war for more than a half-century since the Korean War ended in a 1953 cease-fire.

    The United States will begin the process of removing North Korea from its designation as a terror-sponsoring state and also on ending U.S. trade sanctions, but no deadlines was set, according to the agreement.

    Japan and North Korea also will seek to normalize relations.



    • 家园 朝鲜再不答应,中国就要换马了


    • 家园 和94年的核框架比,朝鲜好像让步更多了



      • 家园 有人已经推算出这个协议的经济数据

        The disarmament pact requires North Korea to seal its main nuclear reactor, allow international inspectors and begin accounting for other nuclear programs within 60 days. Within that time, more talks are planned on ending the hostilities between North Korea and the U.S. and Japan.

        In return, North Korea will receive 50,000 tons of heavy fuel oil, a modest down payment on a promised 1 million tons in oil or aid of a similar value if it ultimately disarms. One million tons of oil is more than two-thirds of North Korea's entire oil consumption in 2004, according to the CIA Factbook.

        The aid package is worth about US$250 million (euro190 million) at current prices.

        值得一提的是,所有赞成和北朝鲜坐下来谈的美国政治家都认为,这个协议只是一个starting point。俺对这种说法的理解是:美国政治家对北朝鲜政府仍然缺乏信任,同时又期望这个协议能够进入实施阶段。其实,北朝鲜政府如果再次反悔,中国政府与金正日的关系也就彻底结束了。因此,金正日已经没有再次冒险的本钱, 这个协议应该能够进入实施阶段,除非中国政府改变外交政策。


      • 家园 这一点我支持马哥的



      • 家园 也许小金已经弄出核弹啦。所以卖不出价啊。
    • 家园 CNN有了后续报道。

      Questions remain on N. Korea disarmament


      Story Highlights

      1).U.S. envoy Hill calls deal "the end of the beginning of the process"

      2).Accord sets a firm 60-day timetable for N. Korea to seal main nuclear reactor

      3).China, U.S., South Korea and Russia agree to pay for N. Korea's disarmament

      4).No timetable set for ultimate dismantling of North Korea's nuclear programs

      看来, 日本是在趁火打劫,不出钱,还要榜着大国捞好处,的确够坏的。


      "What if North Korea doesn't show them to inspectors, if they say we've stopped this and shut down that, what if they say you have to trust us?" said Liu Gongliang, a physicist at China's Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics who has followed North Korea's nuclear program for the Chinese government.

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