
主题:噢爸妈看来真是向富人和既得利益开刀了-3.6万亿美元预算 -- 黑黢黢

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家园 阶级意识的活教材



The budget is serious smoke and mirrors. THe LAT sort of points this out. How about some follow through LAT and call this what it is? I know you are not stupid. You know its a disaster. Why don't you say so?


I find it interesting that people talk about "canceling the tax cuts for the rich". The top earners already pay more than twice their share of income as the share of taxes so why complain that it's made more fair by reducing it? It's almost as if it's their obligation to cover the government's expenses. 48% of people pay ZERO taxes and complain that the rich get some relief. Obama is trying to buy votes at the expense of the future of this country and the idiots that voted for him are don't understand what they've done. No one's keeping you from making more money. Stop bitching about those that already sacrificed and did.


It is a terrible budget that fails to control expenditures and passes the costs on to business and higher income taxpaers. The problem is that business and higher income taxpayers will not simply absorb the additional taxes, but instead adjust by cutting expenditures and raising prices, meaning higher costs and lower incomes for those who were supposedly to benefit from the changes. There is no free lunch, and this is a lesson we will learn once more and blame Obama for his deception.


Obama, and the Democrats plans are obvious. Over the next four years with their budget plans, they plan on buying enough new Democrat votes, by hooking millions more Americans on the crack government programs, to insure a victory in 2012. Buy addicting more Americans to "free money" government programs the Democrats working to guarantee a majority of dependent voters.


The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe failed because their economies collapsed. Western Europe and it's socialist policies have left Europe teetering even closer to economic collapse than the U.S. Socialism always fails. America's historic success has been based on freedom and opportunity, not a socialist guarantee of equal results. Obama's budget is a disaster for American freedom and prosperity.


Elections have consequences! You elect a glib Socialist with no real experience who is beholden to the far left and has a horrible voting record! People should go look at the website "howobamagotelected" (.com) He was elected by a bunch of idiots that know nothing about the economy, so now we are going to PAY and PAY and PAY for their ignorance!




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