
主题:【引文】自然心药 by Rachel Naomi Remen 的中文介绍 -- 车城游子

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家园 I wish so too

In fact, lots of recent studies showed that the treatment for cancer and pregnancy could be done at the same time.

come on, take it easy. I am not arguing with you. I wish this is ture too.

The pregancy would burden on her health, and the side effects of the chemo would bring the risks to the fetus. Please forgive my ignorance if my common sense in this field was too outdated.I just did a quick search for you. I would be more than happy to see any recent researchs could have solved those potential risks listed for sure.

I admire her continuance of her pregnancy,and I wish everything went well.It is not an issue of medical science, instead,it is an issuse of philosiphy about life; It is an issue about taking her chance.

And she is on her own.

And the new born baby would be on his/her own too.

Best regards

Maro B, Pickering SJ. Microtubules influence compaction in preimplantation mouse embryos. JEmbryol Exp Morphol 1984; 84:217-32.

Mareel M, Bellairs R, De Bruyne G,Van Peteghem MC. Effect of microtubule inhibitors on the expansion of hypoblast and margin of overgrowth of chick blastoderms. J Embryol ExpMorphol 1984; 81:273-86.

Garcia-Martinez V, Hurle JM. Effects of taxol on endothelial cells of the developing semilunar heart valves in the chick embryo. Acta Anat(Basel) 1988;133:282-8.

Scialli, A.R.; DeSesso, J.M. and Goeringer, G.C.: Taxol toxicity in the developing chick (A). Teratology 45:478, 1992.

Paclitaxel, In: 1974-1998 Micromedex, Inc. Volume 97, Reprotox 1998.

Lochry E, Kai S, Kohmura H, Kadota T, Takahashi N. Reproductive safety evaluation of paclitaxel in rats. Toxicologist 1995;15:165.

家园 支持一下。



Greg Anderson 的 The Cancer Conqueror( W Pub Group ISBN: 084990661X ; (1988/10) )

在日本Agaricus blazei Murill 和中国的灵芝一样被认为可提高免疫力,帮助维持现状。


家园 pray for her and support her

again, it is a choice about life. Nobody should try to make her to change her mind as long as she have understood what she is doing.

As a retired physician, I cautiously doubt that her docs have said so. They must have told her the potential risks, but certainly, they must also have told her she could have some chance to have a healthy baby. Normally,no guarantee would be out from their mouths b/c they had been trained to be the politicians for the law suit reasons

Anyways, I wish the best things would happen to her.

happy new year too.

家园 对不起,miss了您的问候。献花。



家园 真诚感谢您所有的帮助与指点。

I gave flowers to both of your notes, and I'll keep reading all materials you provided.

We all knew the potential risks. Nothing can be guaranteed.

Sometimes the most we can do is to pray and to understand the situation, and keep our best wishes.

Thanks again from my heart.

家园 Del


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