
主题:【原创】和铁西瓜兄:世界十大名枪 -- 晨枫

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家园 呵呵, 谢谢吴兄


P-39是好飞机, 可惜增压器有问题. 在东线大放异彩, 呵呵.

老兄文章中的AK-47图片, 有斜切防跳器, 所以实际上是AKM第3型

MP-30呢, 看弹匣口有加强筋, 应该是MP-40, 拉机柄, 我看不出来.

另外, 晨枫兄文章中, AK47和StG-44之间, 除了都是用中间威力枪弹导气式自动武器之外, 没什么关系, 倒是M-43弹, 在与德国7.92×33短弹对比试验之后, 从7.62×41, 改成了7.62×39, 浓重的影子, 估计谈不上.

另外, Stg44的枪托真的是塑料的? 一点木头没有? 想想当时德国的石油资源和石化工业, 困难不小啊. 查资料好像也是木头的.

家园 飞蛇兄高见




家园 谢吴兄好图


家园 G11图里抱着“小提琴盒”射击的白衣老头就是尤金?斯通纳


家园 顿首再拜,谢谢晨枫兄


家园 没办法啊~


家园 只有恩菲尔德不是


家园 后期还有水泥做的手榴弹呢~~



家园 不好意思



家园 没错,杀人工具大都是工程技术的杰作,你死我活啊。只可惜人类


家园 奉送几颗水泥手榴弹


Intelligence report on German "potato masher" hand grenades constructed with concrete heads, from Intelligence Bulletin, June 1945.

[Editor's Note: The following article is wartime information on enemy equipment published for Allied soldiers. More accurate data on German weapons and equipment is available in postwar publications.]


Large quantities of German concrete stick, or "potato masher", grenades have been recovered in various areas of the European Theater. Although it formerly had been supposed that such grenades were local improvisations, evidence now suggests that their design has been accorded official recognition. Two types have been found.

Type 1 consists of a wooden handle, rectangular in cross-section, with a 3/8-inch-square groove running the length of the handle. A length of cord, attached to a pull fuze, operates through this groove. Often the other end of the cord is tied to a small piece of wood, which serves as a pull knob. This is wired to the end of the handle with soft, easily broken shear wire.

The forward end of the wooden handle is slotted to form two prongs similar to those of a tuning fork. Iron wire is wrapped around these prongs, partly to strengthen the concrete, but chiefly to secure the concrete head to the handle. The head has a hollow core to accommodate a standard stick TNT demolition charge 1 1/4 inches in diameter. Two metal inserts above the wooden prongs reinforce the cavity, and permit the inser?tion of the standard stick charge.

At the base of the concrete head is a small square of translucent waterproof paper over a cardboard square of equal size. There is a hole 3/4-inch in diameter in the center of the card-board, to admit the igniter to the bursting charge. This hole is aligned with the square groove in the handle.


German concrete stick hand grenade, Type 1, with stick TNT inserted in the cavity.


German concrete stick hand grenade, Type 2, with stick TNT embedded in the concrete.

Type 2 resembles Type 1, but is much simpler. Instead of a hollow in the head of the wooden handle to hold the stick charge, a semicircular cavity is milled into the wood, the explosive charge is placed in this cavity, and the whole assembly then is centered in the concrete mold. It will be noted that in the case of Type 2 the charge is actually molded into the concrete, and projects about 3/8 inch on the end toward the handle.

In both types the explosive charge is the stick TNT demolition charge, Bohrpatrone 28, containing about 3 1/2 ounces of explosive and coated with waxed paper. The stick is 4 inches long, slightly more than an inch in diameter, and has a threaded aluminum insert cast into the explosive to accommodate standard German detonators. The usual detonator well is cast into the stick, and the cavity is sealed with a red sticker, which denotes the presence of TNT. The standard B.Z. 24 friction pull fuze, having a delay element of 4 to 5 seconds, is used.

家园 38/40的区别我也只记住这一个, 其他的估计不见实物我是没法分辨了

有时候直观印象比多少图片都强啊, 呵呵

家园 就是我贴的那几种枪型啊


家园 沙漠之鹰

沙漠之鹰是以色列的产品。一只制式空枪超过4磅(2Kg)重。要是用它的10英寸枪管,还会更加重一些。它是第一个用0。5口径的手枪。从八十年代问世以来,它现在也是一个系列的产品。口径有.357,.44,.440 Cor-Born(实际上是子弹的型号),.50AE,枪管有6寸和10寸有时还会见到14寸的。除了标准的制式以外,还有还出了一种小号的,全枪只有二磅多一点。也有四种口径不过好像是没有10寸和14寸的枪管。打过的人说也不比标准的好用多少。不知道为什么会出这么一个小的。

家园 好!好!好!
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