
主题:朋友的学生签证延期被拒,紧急求救!!! -- 锦候

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家园 加拿大规定没有学生签证上课的话,就是犯法了.

够得上removal order了,现在他只是voluntary departure. 他可以上诉,但是学校方面要是不让他注册他就麻烦了,他可以拖着,学校可能不会强制执行。但是这个要是一上诉真的到了法庭就是罪证了。

家园 One more time push up!
家园 后手:申请转学美国
家园 让国内的公司出证明有没有用


家园 学校的advisor 说了,移民局已经决定的事情他们就没

办法改变了. sounds like he must leave in a hurry, within 30 days, otherwise a removal order would be issued against him. He has dropped the course and gonna to order the ticket, god! at this time to China, the ticket must cost him a fortune, the thing he worries the most now is would this voluntary departure affect his re enter to Canada? And also how long he has to wait,I checked online, unclear with his situation, he talked with the advisor, not sure either. So any suggestions on this part?

On campus can't type in Chinese sorry.

家园 sounds really great!

why stay in Canada when can go to U.S, but how does this work "申请转学美国", like any specific way to do it?

家园 sorry, no idea

No idea about Canada's immigration procedures.

But you did say about "学校的国际学生办公室说可以上诉", so I just thought a letter stating a future job in China might help his appeal. So the appeal is turned down now?

家园 not turned down but

didn't get start, the advisor said if the decision hadn't been made yet they can contact the immigration office in his behalf regarding to the processing matter, that's why he signed the paper, but if the decision had been made, there is nothing the school can do to alter the decision itself. So...no appeal now.

家园 最好的办法就是先回国半年再说



家园 I guess you're right.

this is the thing we worry the most.

the main concern now is to finish this degree, but he can't take any courses without the permission from school.he has decided to leave, but still need to figure out how to re enter, does this accident would affect his further application for study permit in any way? If, If the Embassy notices this part, what would be the better response?

any idea, what kind of documentation does he have to ask from the school before leaving, and what kind of documentations does the Canadian Embassy in China request to re apply a study permit. thanks a lot!

家园 Document from school may not

help your friend to go back Canada. It was a refusal from immigration after all. Better asking school adviser. However, I won't count for new visa after 6 months. Find a school in US seems good idea, if your friend has good grade. It will be easier to get into school in US after a year study in Canada and with good grade from a Canada school. It does not hurt for your friend to make a few applications to different school.

家园 谢谢您的意见,这事儿学校就是一推了之,其实是他们的责任。

这个事情其实是学校的错,他申请签证的时候需要从学生服务处拿一封信,就是他的学习计划,什么时候毕业,要签证到什么时候。可是这个计划学生服务处的人让他从他所在的系的advisor给出一封信,他们根据这封信才可以给他出这份计划,结果他去见第一个advisor,那家伙说这事儿不归他管,他刚来的,要他等另外一个advisor回来,那个advisor 去度假了,在门上写了在8月4号回来。可这第一个advisor坚持说那个人会在7月30号回来,那时候他还有一天的时间。他没办法就只好等了,他当时问了是不是有别的人可以出这份信,可第一个advisor说他什么都不知道。他当时想也不会太麻烦,也没办法。到了4号,那个advisor回来了,竟然说他也不知道,不过这次好的是他打个电话,问了一下。结果说他不负责,但是接他电话的那个人负责,让我朋友第二天去见那个人。去了后那个人就说这个东西是他做,他也说这个是学校的missconmunacation 现在他想找系主任谈一下这个情况,可这些过程都是一对一的谈话,没有任何的纪录,文字。我看结果未必会好到哪里去。

家园 是谁的责任已经不重要了


家园 对呀,他就是提前了一个月办的,结果就是这样。




家园 没什么特殊之处,关键是timing


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