
主题:关于布查大屠杀 -- 破奴冠军

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    • 家园 但凡有点分辩力,都知道啥回事。



      • 家园 欧洲的官员和议员们



        • 家园 请问欧洲河友,这是何意啊

          The EU consistently speaks out about the deteriorating

          human rights situation in China – in particular Xinjiang,

          Tibet, Hong Kong, Inner Mongolia and the treatment of

          human rights lawyers and defenders.

          • Human Rights Dialogue: the EU stands ready for

          regular human rights dialogues with China, with a

          view to promoting human rights, fostering the rule of

          law and supporting civil society.

          • EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime: on

          22 March 2021, the EU listed four individuals and

          one entity from China responsible for human rights

          violations in Xinjiang.

          • Deterioration of Hong Kong´s high degree of

          autonomy: National Security Law restricts political

          pluralism and exercise of human rights and political

          freedoms, to be protected at least until 2047 under

          Hong Kong’s Basic Law and China’s international

          commitments (Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984).

          WTO REFORM

          • The WTO’s rules-based global trading system must

          be reformed to respond to the sustainability and

          digital challenges and promote a level-playing field

          globally. China should play a part commensurate with

          its economic weight to help achieve this objective.


          • In line with the EU-China Ocean Partnership

          towards better ocean governance, the EU expects

          China to engage more actively in the areas of

          sustainable fisheries and marine resources including

          by supporting the establishment of additional

          marine protected areas in the Southern Ocean and

          delivering concrete results in the fight against illegal,

          unreported and unregulated fishing.



          • China, with 28% of global greenhouse gas

          emissions, is a crucial partner for the EU (8% of global

          greenhouse gas emissions) on implementing the

          Paris Agreement.

          • As host of the COP15 in Kunming, China plays a key

          role in securing a robust and ambitious new global

          biodiversity framework, and supporting efforts to

          curb global deforestation and promote deforestation

          free supply chains.

          • The EU acknowledges China’s efforts towards

          decarbonising its economy, upgrading its Nationally

          Determined Contribution ahead of COP 26.

          • We all need to do more to limit global temperature

          increase below 1.5ºC. To advance international climate

          negotiations, the EU and China are reinforcing their

          cooperation in areas like carbon markets, long-term

          emission development strategies, clean energy and

          energy efficiency, low emission transport and cities.


          • Responsible State Behaviour in cyberspace

          contributes to international security and stability,

          allowing everyone to benefit from the opportunities the

          Internet provides for economic and social development.

          • The EU expects China to engage more against

          malicious cyber activities and on the protection of

          intellectual property.

          • EU Cyber Sanctions Regime: the EU has been subject

          to repeated cyber-attacks from Chinese territory. The

          EU adopted its first cyber sanctions targeting Chinese

          individuals (two natural persons and 2 legal entities)

          on 30 July 2020.

          The EU has asked China to exert its considerable influence on Russia for an immediate ceasefire, for the

          establishment of humanitarian corridors, and for preventing any risks of further escalation in Russia’s

          aggression against Ukraine.

          In the South China Sea, the EU supports the

          peaceful settlement of disputes in accordance

          with UNCLOS and maintaining freedom of

          navigation and overflight, and to avoid the use

          or threat of use of military force.

          The EU and China should work more closely

          to tackle global and regional challenges,

          including in Afghanistan, Myanmar and the

          Korean Peninsula.

          The EU wants to further work with China on

          helping those in greatest need: humanitarian

          assistance and disaster reduction.


      • 家园 指望欧洲灭了俄罗斯


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