
主题:【商榷】友邦诧异了 -- 呼呼噜噜

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    • 家园 一枚像章就吓成这样,可见毛思想的威力。 -- 补充帖
    • 家园 下回弄个四巨头


    • 家园 还有自由体操背景音乐《九儿》等



    • 家园 希望政府这次能硬一把


    • 家园 这应该是有人挑事

      奥委会要是没个说法,下届湾湾+白左每人一个达赖或者什么的像章,奥委会也不好管了。中国再一抵制 。。。

      • 家园 达赖爱戴就戴


      • 家园 是有人挑事,我是先在推特上看到的,比路透社报道还早



    • 家园 【讨论】奥运会比赛时,佩戴毛主席像章,以前就有啊!



      • 家园 可能有河友看不到链接内容,贴在下面


        The International Olympic Committee says it is investigating two Chinese cyclists who wore badges featuring an image of the country's former leader Mao Zedong during a medal ceremony.

        A spokesman said the IOC had contacted the Chinese Olympic Committee for a report on the incident.

        The pair - Bao Shanju and Zhong Tianshi - won the women's sprint on Monday.

        Such gestures are a potential breach of Olympic rules banning political statements.

        Article 50 of the Olympic Charter says "no kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas".

        Rules were eased last month to allow athletes to "express their views" before and after competing, paving the way for athletes to take the knee to highlight racism without facing sanction.

        But bans remain on gestures or statements during competition or at medal ceremonies.

        A Chinese cyclist wears a Mao badge during a medal ceremony at the Olympics

        Mao Zedong ruled China with an iron fist from 1949 until his death in 1976. He was responsible for one of the biggest humanitarian disasters in history when his Great Leap Forward campaign, aimed at modernising China's agriculture and industry, led to widespread famine and the deaths of up to 45 million people.

        Asked about the Chinese cyclists, IOC spokesperson Mark Adams said the committee was "looking into the matter".

        The IOC is also investigating US shot-putter Raven Saunders, who crossed her arms into an X shape when collecting a silver medal.

        Saunders, who is black and gay, said her gesture was "the intersection of where all people who are oppressed meet".

        The IOC has asked the US team for more details. Saunders has found widespread support for her action, including from the US Olympic organisers, something the IOC said it would take into account.

        Chinese nationalists turn on their athletes

        Raven Saunders: What the Olympian's X protest means to her

        Billions of Chairman Mao badges were produced in China in the 1960s. They were made in such huge volumes that eventually their manufacture had to be restricted because they were swallowing up valuable supplies of metals.

        They were worn during the Cultural Revolution to show loyalty to Mao, but remain commonplace today.

        China's current leader, Xi Jinping, has sought to invoke Mao's image, wearing a grey suit made famous by Mao at an event marking the centenary of the party's founding.

    • 家园 奥委会能管那么宽?这帮人膨胀了啊


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