
主题:【讨论】在全黑的屋子里,你清醒着,你的眼睛会怎么动? -- jent

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            • 家园 眼底信息


              临床上,眼底检查用于青光眼早检。由于高眼压的缘故,视网膜厚度和视神经盘大小等会在有明显症兆之前就已经产生一些变化了。因为你提到了眼底断层扫描(oct),估计你的技术可以应用在这方面。 另外,虽然你提到"纳米级别的空间位移精度",不清楚你这技术的成像精度(或者说分辨率),如果能成像分辨率达纳米级别,视网膜上感受细胞的大小是微米级别,这么高精度的成像在科研或者临床都是很有意义的。不过我认为我是把"空间位移精度"和"成像精度"搞混了。

              另外,我还是不明白你说的 "1666Hz 的时间采样频率和纳米级别的空间位移精度"是记录单眼还是同时记录双眼时取得的。

              还有找到这个,http://www.zhang.pi.titech.ac.jp/cn/ 不知道对你有用否。 "研究内容" 下有一个 "固视眼振" ,记录精度好像只是微米级别,不是用眼底图像,而是对眼白表面毛细血管追踪,通过图像处理把眼球微小运动检测出来。

              • 家园 【讨论】继续讨论


                1666Hz 的时间采样频率和纳米级别的空间位移精度是记录单眼。准确地说是指被测试者在端坐状态下凝视某个点的时候记录下来的一只眼睛眼底的信息。目前我们的数据采集都是在5秒以内。


                的确我们一开始的背景是高端oct。因为目前实验结果的鼓舞,我们非常想知道自己究竟对什么东西成像。在我们的实验数据中,我们可以直接清晰地从图象上看到眼底的血管,血管之外眼底的其他动态活动,以及,更神奇的是,我们还看到了血管与其它动态活动明显的分层结构 ---- 在眼底,血管是在眼底的最外层。在没有血管的情况下,既然能够高精度地tracking,那么就一定有稳定的结构在里边。而且我们也得到了稳定的结构。现在我们在探讨,我们看到的究竟是什么。

                ---- 当然,这已经不仅仅是眼睛(底)运动的tracking了。

                ---- 另外,我们的成像条件是红外光。那么,回到楼顶,我们看到的是否会不一样,如果在黑屋子来了一个或者若干个光子?真是让人感到幸福的问题啊。

                • 家园 刚看了一个侦查眼球运动来玩游戏的


                  • 家园 不一样。你说的是指利用眼球信息,准确地说是指

                    pupil, iris, gaze 等等眼睛信息来跟踪。

                    上个月和 Tobii 的人讨论过。他们目前提供非常棒的产品来控制人机交互。



                • 家园 明白了,只是track眼动


                  光子足够就看到微弱闪光,如此而已。 不知道你说的“是否会不一样”是和什么比较。


                  成像是只有眼底,还是因为field of depth足够,图像也包括了视网膜细胞。如果是后者就一点不奇怪,因为视网膜细胞排列很整齐,而且你的成像精度对视杆细胞足够了。

                  1666Hz 的时间采样频率和纳米级别的空间位移精度是记录单眼。准确地说是指被测试者在端坐状态下凝视某个点的时候记录下来的一只眼睛眼底的信息。目前我们的数据采集都是在5秒以内。

                  因为最近偶和同事可以完美地以 1666Hz 的时间采样频率和纳米级别的空间位移精度来记录人眼的移动(Saccade / Vergence)

                  如果是单眼,怎么测vergence? 根本无法分辨记录的眼动是smooth pursuit, drift,还是 vergence 的。 另外,记录的视野多大?全视野吗?

    • 家园 据说视网膜神经有雪崩式的放大反应所以可以探测到单光子


      • 家园 谢谢兄台指点。



        • 家园 google 一下

          Can a Human See a Single Photon?

          The human eye is very sensitive but can we see a single photon? The answer is that the sensors in the retina can respond to a single photon. However, neural filters only allow a signal to pass to the brain to trigger a conscious response when at least about five to nine arrive within less than 100 ms. If we could consciously see single photons we would experience too much visual "noise" in very low light, so this filter is a necessary adaptation, not a weakness.

          Some people have said that single photons can be seen and quote the fact that faint flashes from radioactive materials (for example) can be seen. This is an incorrect argument. Such flashes produce a large number of photons. It is also not possible to determine sensitivity from the ability of amateur astronomers to see faint stars with the naked eye. They are limited by background light before the true limits are reached. To test visual sensitivity a more careful experiment must be performed.

          The retina at the back of the human eye has two types of receptors, known as cones and rods. The cones are responsible for colour vision, but are much less sensitive to low light than the rods. In bright light the cones are active and the iris is stopped down. This is called photopic vision. When we enter a dark room, the eyes first adapt by opening up the iris to allow more light in. Over a period of about 30 minutes, there are other chemical adaptations that make the rods become sensitive to light at about a 10,000th of the level needed for the cones to work. After this time we see much better in the dark, but we have very little colour vision. This is known as scotopic vision.

          The active substance in the rods is rhodopsin. A single photon can be absorbed by a single molecule that changes shape and chemically triggers a signal that is transmitted to the optic nerve. Vitamin A aldehyde also plays an essential role as a light-absorbing pigment. A symptom of vitamin A deficiency is night blindness because of the failure of scotopic vision.

          It is possible to test our visual sensitivity by using a very low level light source in a dark room. The experiment was first done successfully by Hecht, Schlaer and Pirenne in 1942. They concluded that the rods can respond to a single photon during scotopic vision.

          In their experiment they allowed human subjects to have 30 minutes to get used to the dark. They positioned a controlled light source 20 degrees to the left of the point on which the subject's eyes were fixed, so that the light would fall on the region of the retina with the highest concentration of rods. The light source was a disk that subtended an angle of 10 minutes of arc and emitted a faint flash of 1 millisecond to avoid too much spatial or temporal spreading of the light. The wavelength used was about 510 nm (green light). The subjects were asked to respond "yes" or "no" to say whether or not they thought they had seen a flash. The light was gradually reduced in intensity until the subjects could only guess the answer.

          They found that about 90 photons had to enter the eye for a 60% success rate in responding. Since only about 10% of photons arriving at the eye actually reach the retina, this means that about 9 photons were actually required at the receptors. Since the photons would have been spread over about 350 rods, the experimenters were able to conclude statistically that the rods must be responding to single photons, even if the subjects were not able to see such photons when they arrived too infrequently.

          In 1979 Baylor, Lamb and Yau were able to use toads' rods placed into electrodes to show directly that they respond to single photons.

          • 家园 费了老劲把这一段翻出来了,


            The human eye is very sensitive but can we see a single photon? The answer is that the sensors in the retina can respond to a single photon. However, neural filters only allow a signal to pass to the brain to trigger a conscious response when at least about five to nine arrive within less than 100 ms. If we could consciously see single photons we would experience too much visual "noise" in very low light, so this filter is a necessary adaptation, not a weakness.


            Some people have said that single photons can be seen and quote the fact that faint flashes from radioactive materials (for example) can be seen. This is an incorrect argument. Such flashes produce a large number of photons. It is also not possible to determine sensitivity from the ability of amateur astronomers to see faint stars with the naked eye. They are limited by background light before the true limits are reached. To test visual sensitivity a more careful experiment must be performed.


            The retina at the back of the human eye has two types of receptors, known as cones and rods. The cones are responsible for colour vision, but are much less sensitive to low light than the rods. In bright light the cones are active and the iris is stopped down. This is called photopic vision. When we enter a dark room, the eyes first adapt by opening up the iris to allow more light in. Over a period of about 30 minutes, there are other chemical adaptations that make the rods become sensitive to light at about a 10,000th of the level needed for the cones to work. After this time we see much better in the dark, but we have very little colour vision. This is known as scotopic vision.


            The active substance in the rods is rhodopsin. A single photon can be absorbed by a single molecule that changes shape and chemically triggers a signal that is transmitted to the optic nerve. Vitamin A aldehyde also plays an essential role as a light-absorbing pigment. A symptom of vitamin A deficiency is night blindness because of the failure of scotopic vision.


            It is possible to test our visual sensitivity by using a very low level light source in a dark room. The experiment was first done successfully by in 1942. They concluded that the rods can respond to a single photon during scotopic vision.


            In their experiment they allowed human subjects to have 30 minutes to get used to the dark. They positioned a controlled light source 20 degrees to the left of the point on which the subject's eyes were fixed, so that the light would fall on the region of the retina with the highest concentration of rods. The light source was a disk that subtended an angle of 10 minutes of arc and emitted a faint flash of 1 millisecond to avoid too much spatial or temporal spreading of the light. The wavelength used was about 510 nm (green light). The subjects were asked to respond "yes" or "no" to say whether or not they thought they had seen a flash. The light was gradually reduced in intensity until the subjects could only guess the answer.


            They found that about 90 photons had to enter the eye for a 60% success rate in responding. Since only about 10% of photons arriving at the eye actually reach the retina, this means that about 9 photons were actually required at the receptors. Since the photons would have been spread over about 350 rods, the experimenters were able to conclude statistically that the rods must be responding to single photons, even if the subjects were not able to see such photons when they arrived too infrequently.


            In 1979 Baylor, Lamb and Yau were able to use toads' rods placed into electrodes to show directly that they respond to single photons.




            • 家园 可见光=可见將來, "到底會發生??事"

              thanks for 翻譯, a lot of hardwork, even just typing.

              now your question:



              first of all, I have not read those articles I listed here and I have very limited knowledge in this field, I am a 小白 and the following is just my guess as a 小白:

              如果视网膜 here 是量子过程, or at least with some 量子成份, 那视网膜@this level至少不是经典物理(包括眼光学)only 可以描述解释的,你的问题很象是经典眼光学的问题.

              I know little about 经典眼光学, but I am pretty sure we don't have a 量子眼光学 at the moment, if I may guess.

              I hope others can make comments too.





              3.33 gigahertz = 3 330 000 000 hertz

              Instructions per second - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instructions_per_second - 翻譯這個網頁

              ... usually reported in Hz, as each instruction may require several clock cycles to ... Results on a 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo (1 CPU 2007) vary from 9.7 MWIPS using BASIC .... Intel Core i7 Extreme Edition 980X (Hex core), 147,600 MIPS at 3.33 GHz ...


              "(V) 量子心電感應"










              Quantum optics: quantum, classical, and metaphysical aspects


              File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

              by DN Klyshko - 1994 - Cited by 46 - Related articles

              Mar 7, 2012 – retina quantum efficiency with the help of such light seem to be of interest.) Let us imagine that weak light from a star is observed by the naked ...


              Stanford's quantum entanglement device brings us one step closer ...

              www.extremetech.com Computing

              Nov 19, 2012 – Researchers at Stanford University have taken another major step toward using quantum entanglement for communication, streamlining the ...

              Quantum Entanglements: Science and Pseudoscience


              Quantum entanglement says that two particles can become intertwined so that ... bunch of photons that actually hit the retina are in this bizarre quantum state.


              李嗣涔:"意念與物質交互作用之現有理論"晓兵 字3032 2013-02-08 18:19:22




              發表於《中國人體科學》第 9 卷第 3 期(1999 年 9 月)






              10的18次方 |艾[可萨] | E

              10的15次方 |拍[它] | P

              10的12次方 |太[拉] | T

              10的 9次方 |吉[咖] | G

              10的 6次方 | 兆 | M

              10的 3次方 | 千 | k

              10的 2次方 | 百 | h

              10的 1次方 | 十 | da

              10的-1次方 | 分 | d

              10的-2次方 | 厘 | c

              10的-3次方 | 毫 | m

              10的-6次方 | 微 | μ

              10的-9次方 |纳[诺] | n

              10的-12次方 |皮[可] | p

              10的-15次方 |飞[母托] | f

              10的-18次方 |阿[托] | a


              编辑: 李瑛

              撰文/David Labrader [崔琳琳/译 曾少立/校]


















              健康人的心跳大约持续一秒。美国人平均每一秒吃掉350块比萨饼。地球每一秒绕太阳旋转30公里,而与此同时太阳在银河系中穿行274公里。一秒钟不足以使月光到达地球(需1.3秒)。传统意义上,一秒是24分之一天的60分之一的60分之一,但是科学家给出了一个更精确的定义:铯133原子基态超精细能阶跃迁的9 192 631 770个周期所持续的时间,称为一秒。

          • 家园 太谢谢了。嗯,多了解了好多信息。^_^


    • 家园 人眼是不会对单光子相应的


    • 家园 人眼自己的噪声就不低吧


      • 家园 嗯,刚听说这个事情时我的反应也是这样。



    • 家园 花!一个光子可能不足以产生信号
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