
主题:贸易保护专题 -- nevermind

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    • 家园 美国


      • 美国
        家园 世界贸易组织20日在日内瓦成立专家组,调查美国对华反倾销



          去年5月,美国商务部就对华标准钢管反倾销反补贴案作出终裁,裁定中国涉案企业69.20%至85.55%不等的倾销税率和 29.57%至615.92%不等的补贴税率。此外,美方对中国的矩形钢管、复合编织袋和非公路用轮胎都采取了反补贴和反倾销措施。对此,中国向世界贸易组织提出上诉,要求对美方措施的合法性进行调查。

    • 家园 欧盟


      21 Jan 2009欧盟委员会对中国鞋企进行反倾销实地核查

    • 家园 巴西




      2009年01月28日 17:12:28  来源:新华网





      Brazil Surprises With New Policy Requiring Licenses for Many Imports

      January 28, 2009

      Brazil's foreign trade department (Decex) Jan. 26 surprised the business sector by announcing an unexpected return to import controls. The department communicated that from now on it will require prior import licenses for a wide range of products that account for an estimated 70 percent of Brazil's imports. Until now, these imports have been approved automatically in a simple online procedure. Importing firms were only required to prepare an import declaration primarily for statistical reasons. Now each import request will be examined separately by Brazil's foreign trade secretariat (Secex), which will have 60 days to approve or disapprove the operation.

      Return to the 1970s.

      Traders expressed astonishment with the new rules, which they said amount to a return to the 1970s and 1980s when Brazil employed a highly bureaucratic system of import controls that caused major delays and often blocked products.

      Trade analysts speculated that the surprise decision was a knee jerk reaction by the government to January's thus far disappointing trade figures. Brazil's trade surplus slumped by 40 percent in 2008 to $24.7 billion and is expected to fall again this year because of the global financial crisis.

      But in January, the country appears headed toward its first monthly trade deficit in over seven years. At the end of the fourth week, the month's balance was a deficit of $645 million. The last time Brazil registered a deficit in January was in 2001 and for the last 93 months the country has registered trade surpluses.

      In January, however, exports have fallen by 21 percent on a daily average versus January 2008 and by 25 percent from last December. This is being blamed on lower prices for Brazil's commodities but another factor has been the shrinking of markets for all of the country's exports due to the global


      Imports are also down but by a lesser degree, falling 2.2 percent from December and 8.8 percent compared with January 2008. According to analysts, the rapid deterioration of Brazil's trade balance has set off alarms in the capital Brasilia where government leaders are worried that a combination of falling exports and the already apparent decline of domestic demand will lead to mass layoffs.

      ‘Precipitous' Change in Policy.

      According to the vice president of Brazil's Foreign Trade Association, JosAugusto de Castro, January's trade figures have been much worse than expected and are likely the main factor behind the government's decision to adopt import controls. “This measure represents a significant change in Brazil's foreign trade policy,” said Castro who added that he does not feel January's trade deficit justifies protectionist measures.

      Roberto Giannetti da Fonseca, foreign trade director for the So Paulo State Federation of Industries, Brazil's most powerful business association, called the new policy a “frightened” and “precipitous” move on the part of the government.

      “The government is making it difficult to import our raw materials. This could stop our industry,” warned Jonatan Schmidt, president of the Brazilian Association of Textile Importers. In the face of this criticism, the foreign trade department issued a brief statement in which it said the new requirement for import licenses was merely “statistical” to verify if the imports of some products were increasing abnormally, which could be a sign of dumping. The note went on to promise that imports would be liberated quickly.

      Experienced traders, though, scoffed at this assurance, claiming that the foreign trade secretariat does not have near enough staff members to examine the massive volume of Brazil's daily imports.

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