
主题:我不看好Google手机 -- 重庆老牛

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      • 家园 从这里就可以看出Google和苹果的区别

        老Jobs是个精明而成功的企业家... Google的这俩小伙儿睡凉炕,全仗着火气壮,财大气粗而已,操作手段上差了不是一星半点呵... 你看新闻发布会上,他俩津津乐道的是如何用Android编了个测扔高度的gimmick程序... 而根本不关心手机外形、定价、客户群等问题...

        手机这个东西,起码目前而言,不完全是个platform而已... 外形还是很重要的...


        • 家园 10月末才能发货,I was like


          它差点年底前就出不来了,至少也算是摘帽,夏天的时候 Gphone 都快入选新一代 Vaporware 啦。

          但这东东真的能成功吗~~~我依稀看到了我们的老朋友 Fail Whale



          • 家园 h


            • h
              家园 If the first 5 G-phones all

              turn out to look like this frankenstein.

              Android will be doomed.

              A phone only geeks care about? Really? No no, big flop

              Seriously, even the tech pundits among our geeks don't like it, they like the idea of it, but the actual G1 thingy? Tough love, man.

              • 家园 he


                • he
                  家园 Rumor has it G1

                  Sports a Qualcomm 7201 risc CPU @528MHz RAM:192m

                  Sounds pretty impressive but sluggish in the real world, I don't know, going more than 600Mhz could pose a significant threat to battery life. iPhone's ARM chip runs at 620Mhz, but OS X mobile's power management is much better than the others especially linux from what I heard. And still people constantly complaint about having to recharge iPhone every 10 minutes.

                  • 家园 po


                    • po
                      家园 brilliant Idea

                      Then you eat all the garbage food you want to power your gadgets! So you won't feel guilty.

                      Just Brilliant! I dig this solution!!!

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