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家园 从Penrose<<心智之影>>中摘两段, 一段是关于科学世界观

A scientific world-view which does not profoundly come to terms with the problem of conscious minds can have no serious pretensions of completeness. Consciousness is part of our universe, so any physical theory which makes noproper place for it fails fundamentally short of providing a genuine description of the world. I would maintain that there is yet no physical, biological, or computational theory that comes very close to explaining our consciousness [赞同!]and consequent intelligence; but that should not deter us from striving to search for one. It is with such aspirations in mind that the arguments of this book are presented. Perhaps someday the fully appropriate collection of ideas will be brought about. If so, our philosophical outlook can hardly be other than profoundly altered[赞同!]. Yet, all scientific knowledge is a two-edged sword. What we actually do with our scientific knowledge is another matter[所以不要以社会学的考量来干扰科学研究]. Let us try to see where our views of science and the mind may be taking us.

...Oppressively authoritarian regimes still subjugate their peoples,keeping them in check by the use of death squads and torture. Yet, those who are oppressed, and who might seem to have a common purpose, are often locked in conflict with one another[惟其如此,才便于统治者的统治], and when given a freedom that they may have been long denied, may seem to choose to use that freedom in horribly self-destructive ways[譬如"文革"].

引自"Shadows of the Mind"第8页.


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