
主题投票【讨论】某网友ID是否是人工智能?- 无政论,勿政论 -- 张燕

共:💬49 🌺202 🌵6 新:
  • 投票信息

    单选,参与 28 / 0

    1 该ID是人类
    2 该ID是人工智能
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家园 个体手工产品


Social media companies will no doubt continue to try and discover and ban these bot accounts. But given current capabilities, sorting humans from AIs will be difficult—at least at scale. As such accounts become more and more human-like, it will be harder to shut them down without accidentally censoring real people, too. The choice may thus be between substantial underenforcement—letting lots of bots run wild—or substantial overenforcement—banning most bots and lots of humans, too. Perhaps new approaches—probably themselves algorithmic—will emerge that improve platforms’ ability to play spot-the-bot. But even then, the chatbots will continue to evolve to avoid detection, and public discourse could become a battle of the algorithms, with computing power defining the marketplace of ideas.

然后就见河里錯誤警告!郵件已發送,存檔中... {RANDOM}我觉得华为是最先进的架构😨


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