
主题:重要新词翻译探讨:Westlessness -- 红军迷

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家园 重要新词翻译探讨:Westlessness


“Westlessness”: Munich Security Report 2020

Source: MSC/Muller

The Munich Security Report 2020 sheds light on the phenomenon that it refers to as “Westlessness” – a widespread feeling of uneasiness and restlessness in the face of increasing uncertainty about the enduring purpose of the West. A multitude of security challenges seem to have become inseparable from what some describe as the decay of the Western project. What is more, Western societies and governments appear to have lost a common understanding of what it even means to be part of the West. Although perhaps the most important strategic challenge for the transatlantic partners, it appears uncertain whether the West can come up with a joint strategy for a new era of great-power competition.

慕尼黑安全会议: 西方失势?

Flaggen USA China

第56届慕尼黑安全会议(MSC) 2月14日至16日在德国慕尼黑举行。会议上,美国直接将中国指为威胁,中国则反批美国满口谎言。

(德国之声中文网) 本次慕尼黑安全会议的主题是"西方失势"(Westlessness), 这是指当今世界变得越来越不"西方",而西方本身也变得越来越不"西方"。然而,美国国务卿蓬佩奥在演讲之初,就公开反驳这个概念:「西方世界仍然是胜者,我们集结起来还是胜者。」他开始列举他心中西方世界的成就,坚持民主制度是指向繁荣的道路: 「自由的国家就是比人类在文明史上曾经尝试过的其他制度更加成功。」他以难民问题举例: 「你没有办法看到弱势族群冒着生命危险,成群结队的偷渡到伊朗或古巴等国家。」

蓬佩奥随即话锋一转,提醒各国最应该注意的强权应当是中国。他一一列举与中国有关的争端: 中国在越南、菲律宾、印尼拥有经济特区获取利益;中国与几乎所有毗邻国家都爆发主权争议;华为与其他中国政府支持的高科技企业是中国情报机关的间谍;中国用国际贸易作为要挟,要求世界各国在台湾与香港事务上噤声。

一言以蔽之,西方以往的优势与同质已经消解。In a word, the homogeneity and hegemony of the West have disintegrated。





an adjective suffix meaning “without” (childless; peerless), and in adjectives derived from verbs, indicating failure or inability to perform or be performed (resistless; tireless).

所以,造词者的本意大概还是说西方作为一个优势整体已经不复存在了?为此印证的是,相关报道中有一句话很重要:What is more, Western societies and governments appear to have lost a common understanding of what it even means to be part of the West. 因此我感觉还是“非西方化”而不是“弱西方化”。


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