
主题:冷眼看占中 -- 种植园土

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家园 补一条消息:中国游客黄金周给英国带来了5亿英镑的消费


The Great Wallets of China: Think YOU like a splurge at the shops? You’ve nothing on the Chinese bling addicts spending 500m here in one mindboggling week of excess

China is the number one international market to visit Westfield London

George Osborne announced the UK would fund 25,000 tourist visas

This year is London’s busiest Golden Week ever

More than 200,000 Chinese people are estimated to visit


英国佬肯定打心眼里支持“继续占中”,行动上嘛,抛出25000 tourist visas别和钱过不去。

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