
主题:亚洲第二次金融危机将展开 -- parishg

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1. Chinese are nuts if they do USD swap with India.



2. I predicted before.

Not surprising to me at all that Chinese gov. stepped in. Indonesia is effectively China's raw material colony. 看看中国人是否真懂得管理 in the next 10 years。 Indonesia's current account deficit is one-year phenonmenon, if it aggressively exports to China, its problems can be solved easily.

India, hehe, is a different story.


--Ben has stopped the QE bullshit. That's the best help Singh has asked during the G-20 meeting. Do not expect too much from Europe and USA: America has another political infight down the road.

India needs to taste a mini Asian financial crisis. It deserves it and only bloody idiot should help it out.

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