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你注意看cyprus和叙利亚的位置关系,注意harbor of Tartus俄罗斯目前唯一的地缘军事基地。




Due to lack of sufficient Russian aircraft carriers and because the Greek Cypriot military has a strategic relationship with Russia Russian Air Force decided to send 30 aircraft to Cyprus to be off the Turkish coast and the Syrian, Lebanese and aircraft Sukhoi 35 newest type of Russian fighter aircraft.The Russian aircraft will about 10 patrols a day in the air off the Turkish Cyprus, Syria and Lebanon.Will occur aircraft air confrontation between Russian and Turkish planes?Turkish jets violate every day the atmosphere of Turkish Cyprus and passing over the skies of Cyprus Greek, but not over the capital, but in its airspace and Greek Cyprus are very important and expensive at the heart of Moscow.A Russian official said that Moscow considered the atmosphere of Greek Cyprus is the atmosphere of the Russian Federation which does not accept the Turkish aircraft or other flying over Greek Cyprus.It is worth mentioning that in the Greek Cypriot rule Britain called base Akrotiri and 40 warplane but Russian aircraft Sukhoi 35 NO standing in the face and there like in the whole region except the U.S. aircraft are capable of shooting down 6 goals air at the same time because they carry 6 missiles Joe a very modern atmosphere Turkey says it seized of this kind in the Russian cargo rocket that inflicted and coming from Moscow.Experts studying NATO air-to-air missile talk confiscated by Turkey, but Russia and developed methods to prevent Fatah missile, but to destroy it.Go back to our topic, which is that the Russian planes protect the atmosphere of the Greek Cypriot and 30 Russian Sukhoi-35 aircraft capable of destroying an entire city to the Sukhoi 35 will daily air patrols and prevent aircraft from flying over Turkish Cyprus Greek. It seems that Turkey received the letter, she said that the planes would not fly over Cyprus after Greek today.As Russia Fboda 30 aircraft Sukhoi 35 in Greek Cyprus has said America and NATO and Turkey that a war raging in the region if attacked Syria militarily to that larger forces strike air are in Greek Cyprus in addition to the presence of 4 aircraft experience and knowledge AWACS American, a Russian-made joined the aircraft Sukhoi 35 to protect the Russian means the message that 30 Russian-made aircraft upset the balance of power and gave a signal that the Russian Air Force will defend Syrian airspace, knowing that Moscow alienated Turkey for military intervention

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