
主题:旁边的不到20分钟车程的小区竟发生了轰动全美的大事 -- 肥猫

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家园 法制的下场,以及尚武精神





美国的“正当防卫”“Self-Defense Laws”是如何运作的呢?

第一个概念是“Duty to retreat”。

This principle required that someone who found themselves in a violent confrontation had to try to defuse the situation and retreat "to the wall" before resorting to deadly force.

也就是说如果“正当防卫”需要使用“Deadly force”,必需是在退无可退的状况下。

第二个概念是“Castle Doctrine”。

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cardozo explained in 1914: "It is not now and never has been the law that a man assailed in his own dwelling is bound to retreat. If assailed there, he may stand his ground and resist the attack. He is under no duty to take to the fields and the highways, a fugitive from his own home."

这个概念的意思就是“Your home is your castle”。也就是在你自己的家里,你被视为已经无路可退。所以遇到入室危险,你可以使用“Deadly force”作为“正当防卫”。


Deadly force was only permitted as a last resort. The basic idea was simple: If more people backed down, retreated or stepped aside, fewer people would be killed.

The "duty to retreat" also made it easier for prosecutors to prove that a killing was not in self-defense. The facts that can be proven are often murky (particularly when of the two people who know what happened, one is the defendant and the other is dead) and prosecutors could often, by pointing to a defendant's failure to retreat, obtain a conviction even without establishing the precise facts.


第三个概念是“Stand your ground”。

用我的话说就是“尚武精神”,也就是不需要主动退让。“Stand your ground”这个概念被从“家”延伸开来,甚至于到了公共场所,比如酒吧等。

回到 FLORIDA 2005年。

The law states that a person "who is attacked" anywhere he is lawfully present has "no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm."

Importantly, a person cannot invoke this provision if he is "engaged in unlawful activity" or "initially provokes the use of force against himself." Finally, in Florida, once self-defense becomes an issue at trial, the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant did not act in self-defense.











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