
主题:【原创】电影The kids are all right -- GraceUSA

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家园 【原创】电影The kids are all right

“Your mom and I are in hell right now and the bottom line is marriage is hard. It’s really fuckin hard. It’s just two people slogging through the shit, year after year, getting older, changing - fucking marathon, OK?

So sometimes you know you’re together so long you stop seeing the other person, you just see weird projections of your own junk. Instead of talking to each other, you go off the rails and act grubby and make stupid choices which is what I did and I feel sick about it because I love you guys, and your mom, and that’s the truth. And sometimes you hurt the ones you love the most and I don’t know why. You know if I read more Russian novels… Anyway…I just wanted to say how sorry I am for what I did. I hope you’ll forgive me eventually. Thank you.”


这样读,不会有特别强烈的感受;但是,电影中,当Julianne Moore面对她的同性伴侣以及孩子们说出这段话的时候,我无法不让自己哭泣。



我有点替Julianne Moore遗憾 --- 她没获奥斯卡提名;她精湛的演技一点都不输Annette Bening!在片中她饰演“妻子”一角。她把这个普通的中年家庭主妇刻画得入木三分!说实话,她能演得如此令人信服有点出乎我的意料,因为她是要完全摒弃她那与生俱来的优雅才能表现出这个特定人物的性格。她做到了!




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