
主题:【讨论】Google承认窃听wifi信号 -- OldBadBug

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家园 【顶起来】大伙总是把google往好处想啊

因为google最初承认"mistakenly collected"的信息不过"SSID information and MAC addresses",所以不少河友的观点是无所谓,没啥敏感的。 继续往下挖,今天google终于承认,原来"mistakenly collected"的信息还有email和password。 用它自己的话, “It’s clear from those inspections that while most of the data is fragmentary, in some instances entire emails and URLs were captured, as well as passwords.” 原文见google的 official blog ( http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/10/creating-stronger-privacy-controls.html )。当然,原文是从正面的角度写如何吸取教训,采取何种措施进一步保护用户隐私云云。

虽然google的声明里面尽量轻描淡写,用词都是 "fragmentary","in some instances"一类。 不过有关部门可不是傻子,能让google随便糊弄。 英国开启新调查,估计要借此敲一笔竹杠。 "Britain’s Information Commissioner, Christopher Graham, announced yesterday that he is launching a new investigation into the Street View project, in which Google sent cars around photographing residential streets." ( http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/google-could-face-fines-under-privacy-laws-2115462.html )

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