
主题:破除印度友好的神话 -- 切萨皮克湾

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家园 破除印度友好的神话

bharat-rakshak 是烙印比较popular的一个论坛,我进人介绍看一个月,阿三对我们的态度基本上一句话,恨之入骨。大家有空可以去看看。



1. 承认西藏独立,老喇嘛建大使馆,领事馆

2. 给所有流亡藏人印度护照,让西藏成为受保护国

3. 承认台湾,建立外交关系

4. 与台湾日本越南韩国建立军事同盟,出售武器(汗)


1.Recognise the Tibetan diaspora and the Dalai Lama as a legitimate independent nation by allowing them an Embassy or Consulate at least in the capital.

2.Give (temp) Indian passports to all Tibetan refugees,making them and by default Tibet an Indian protectorate.

3.Send a high-powered team of MPs and babus to Taiwan for seeking permission to open a consulate there and allow the Taiwanese to set up a Consulate here.We can brush off the inevitable screeching from the Middle Kingdom monkeys by saying that in the fullness of time,the PRC and democratic Taiwan might in the fullness of time,draw much closer officially and in any case a foreign consulate would be sorely needed when that happens.

4.Initiate defence cooperation between India and Taiwan,Japan,Vietnam,S.Korea and some of the ASEAN states,selling defence eqpt. like Prithvi,Akash,and B'Mos (where possible) missiles.Sign defence agreements whereby India can obtain base facilities for its navy and air force where possible,with an explicit task to monitor and in a crisis "deal with" the military froces of the PRC.

5.Increase India's official defence budget to at least 4% of its GDP and finalising asap urgent decisions pending for the modernisation,replacement and augmenting of the Indian armed forces.

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