
主题:【人物】怀念英雄格瓦拉(今天是你的生日) -- dafemren2

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家园 【文摘】写给卡斯特罗的告别信


At this moment I remember many things-when I met you in Maria Antonia's house, when you proposed I come along, all the tensions involved in the preparations." One day they came by and asked who should be notified in case of death, and the real possibility of it struck us all. Later we knew it was true, that in a revolution one wins or dies (if it is a real one). Many comrades fell along the way to victory.

Today everything has a less dramatic tone, because we are more mature, but the event repeats itself. I feel that I have fulfilled the part of my duty that tied me to the Cuban revolution in its territory, and I say farewell to you, to the comrades, to your people, who now are mine.

I formally resign my positions in the leadership of the party, my post as minister, my rank of commander, and my Cuban citizenship. Nothing legal binds me to Cuba. The only ties are of another nature-those that cannot be broken as can appointments to posts.

Reviewing my past life, I believe I have worked with sufficient integrity and dedication to consolidate the revolutionary triumph. My only serious failing was not having had more confidence in you from the first moments in the Sierra Maestra, and not having understood quickly enough your qualities as a leader and a revolutionary.

I have lived magnificent days, and at your side I felt the pride of belonging to our people in the brilliant yet sad days of the Caribbean crisis." Seldom has a statesman been more brilliant as you were in those days. I am also proud of having followed you without hesitation, of having identified with your way of thinking and of seeing and appraising dangers and principles.

Other nations of the world summon my modest efforts of assistance. I can do that which is denied you due to your responsibility at index of Cuba, and the time has come for us to part.

You should know that I do so with a mixture of joy and sorrow. I leave here the purest of my hopes as a builder and the dearest of those I hold dear. And I leave a people who received me as a son. That wounds a part of my spirit. I carry to new battlefronts the faith that you taught me, the revolutionary spirit of my people, the feeling of fulfilling the most sacred of duties: to fight against imperialism wherever one may be. This is a source of strength, and more than heals the deepest of wounds.

I state once more that I free Cuba from all responsibility, except that which stems from its example. If my final hour finds me under other skies, my last thought will be of this people and especially of you. I am grateful for your teaching and your example, to which I shall try to be faithful up to the final consequences of my acts.

I have always been identified with the foreign policy of our revolution, and I continue to be. Wherever I am, I will feel the responsibility of being a Cuban revolutionary, and I shall behave as such. I am not sorry that I leave nothing material to my wife and children; I am happy it is that way. I ask nothing for them, as the state will provide them with enough to live on and receive an education.

I would have many things to say to you and to our people, but I feel they are unnecessary. Words cannot express what I would like them to, and there is no point in scribbling pages.

Ever onward to victory!

Homeland or Death!

I embrace you with all my revolutionary fervour.





有一天,有人问我们,万一我们死了,应该通知谁,这种实际可能性使我们震惊,后来我们知道了,在革命中(如果这是真正的革命的话), 的的确确不是胜利就是牺牲,在通往胜利的路上,很多同志都倒下了。

今天,这一切已经不再具有那么浓厚的戏剧性的色彩了。因为我们更加成熟了,但是这种情况是会重演的。我觉得,我已经完成了把我同古巴 土地上的古巴革命结合在一起的一部分职责。因此,我要向你,向同志们,向你的人民同时也是我的人民告别。

我正式辞去我在党的领导机构中的职务和我的部长职务,放弃我的少校军衔和我的古巴国籍。从此,我和古巴不存在什么法律上的联系了,仅 存的是另一种联系,而这种联系是不能像职务那样辞去的。

回顾我过去的生活,我认为,为了巩固革命的胜利,我是鞠躬尽瘁地工作的,我唯一严重的错误是,我上马埃斯特腊山之后,未能从最初一刻 起就更充分地信任你,位能尽快地看出你身上那种领袖和革命家的品德。 我度过了壮丽的岁月;在加勒比海危机期间那些光辉而又不幸的日子里,在你身旁,我感到属于我们的人民而自豪。

你作为国务活动家,很少有比在那些日子里表现得更光辉夺目的了,我同样也为我当时能够毫不动摇地追随你,能够在考虑和观察问题、估计 危险性和坚持原则方面都同你一致而感到自豪。


你要知道,我此刻的心情是悲喜交集:在这里,我留下了我作为一个创业者的最美好的希望,留下了我最亲爱的人……留下了把我当作一个儿 子看待的人民;这使我内心深感痛苦。我将把这些东西带到新的战场上去,即你灌输给我的信念、我的人民的革命精神和履行我最神圣的天职 的心情:哪里有帝国主义,就在哪里同它斗争;这一切足以鼓舞人心,治愈任何创伤。

我再说一遍,我不要古巴负任何责任,我只是学习了古巴的榜样而已。如果我葬身异国,那么我临终时想到的将是古巴人民,特别是你。我感 谢你的教导和你的榜样。我过去一贯同意我们革命的外交政策,并将继续如此。无论到什么地方,我都将意识到作为一个古巴革命者的责任, 并且就像一个古巴革命者那样行事。我没有给我的妻子和子女留下任何财产,我并不为此难过,反而感到高兴。我不为他们提出任何请求,因 为我知道国家会他们作出充分安排,让他们能够生活和受教育。





Though Guevara had returned to Cuba on March 14, 1965, his absence from public functions soon excited comment and, as the months went by, became an international mystery. Finally, on October 3, during the televised ceremony of the presentation of the newly established Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Castro, in the presence of Guevara's wife and children, read the following letter. Castro explained that the letter had been delivered to him back in April and that Guevara had left the timing of its disclosure to Castro's discretion. He had delayed so long in making it public out of concern for Guevara's security and, for the same reason, could not divulge his present whereabouts.

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